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Terms for subject Postal service (86 entries)
e-VS Electronic Verification System
eaGLe Excellence in Accounting through the General Ledger program
FSM 1000 Flat Sorting Machine model 1000
H.R. 22 House Resolution 22
HR 22 House Resolution 22
Forwarding Order Expired (return to sender) IA = Insufficient address
Mark II Facer-Canceler
ISS AFCS Input SubSystem for Advanced Facer Canceler System
ISS MLOCR Input SubSystem for MLOCR
ISS RBCS Input SubSystem for RBCS
IMb Intelligent Mail Barcode
IMcb Intelligent Mail Container Barcode
IMbs Intelligent Mail barcodes
IMbcs Intelligent Mail container barcode
L-mail Letter Mail
M-36 System M-36 Facer-Canceler with Model 500B Edger-Feeder
Firm presort (one corporation - blue label) - periodicals only per DMM M020 section 1.3 MS = Mixed State presort
Form 3615 Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile
MM Tray Managed Mail Tray
Micro Mark Mark II Facer-Canceler with microprocessor controls