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Terms for subject Marketing (38 entries)
blue talk language or a topic which is not fit for polite conversation
Boston Consulting Group ( BCG Michae­lBurov
Buying Decision Factors Факторы, влияющие на принятие решения vishar­k
buzz marketing When people hear about a product from people they trust, they are more likely to want to buy it for themselves. Будуев­а Елена
cold calling "cold calling"
comps comparable titles 42admi­rer
comps comparable titles 42admi­rer
CSR Report Corporate Social Responsibility Report vlad-a­nd-slav
direct access random access
disk pack disk pack
disk pack disk pack
First Moment of Truth FMOT Artjaa­zz
form 10K 10-K
form 10Q 10-Q
i18n internationalization Artjaa­zz
inbound marketing organic marketing Samura­88
i18n internationalization Artjaa­zz
l12y Localizability Artjaa­zz
blue talk language or a topic which is not fit for polite conversation
management information system management information system