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Terms for subject Banking (89 entries)
a/c AC Michae­lBurov
settlement account AC Michae­lBurov
current account AC Michae­lBurov
transactions account AC Michae­lBurov
transaction account AC Michae­lBurov
business account AC Michae­lBurov
Arab Currency-Related Unit ACRU Michae­lBurov
AISP Account Information Service Provider 'More
Bank's Integrated Reporting Dictionary BIRD ZolVas
BOP code Balance of Payments code Ying
Bnf Beneficiary Alexan­der Osh­is
BBAIRS terms British Bankers' Association Interest Rate Swaps terms Alex L­ilo
bus card Business Card Aelkri­s
card to card C2C spanis­hru
capital requirement regulation CRR Лорина
CISP Cardholder Information Security Practices
CISP Cardholder Information Security Program
CDP Account Central Depository Account SanDan
CIUs Collective Investment Undertakings Travia­ta
CPMI Committee on Payment and Market Infrastructures 'More