
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user pushak: 7

6.03.2023 18:28:14 auto. inf. tailgate подпирать (ехать очень близко к впередиидущему автомобилю redd.it)
16.05.2022 22:05:19 fig. n.amer. three-ring circus дурдом (It truly is a three-ring circus in here,’ says Pollock, shouting directives to couriers between phrases, as Youn scrambles through faxes and emails. • Our family reunions are always three-ring circuses)
3.02.2022 23:36:21 psychother. screen memories покрывающие воспоминания
27.10.2020 14:03:25 meteorol. field mill электростатический флюксметр (также (atmospheric) electric field monitor)
27.10.2020 14:01:13 meteorol. electric field monitor электростатический флюксметр
10.06.2020 11:52:37 inf. freak out не выдержать
28.11.2019 19:39:24 gen. holey дырявый (в т. ч. об одежде: Combine the holey socks with scuffed-up shoes, and you're in real trouble. • For now, I'd just slip on some old holey jeans and an aquamarine shirt with a sunflower on it.)