
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ilgiz: 8

3.08.2018 14:05:39 hockey. body check бортовка (wikipedia.org)
2.08.2017 15:45:45 gen. henchman подручный (someone who assists in a plot)
3.05.2015 0:22:40 hockey. mascot амулет (thanks to Moby Thesaurus at dict.org)
5.09.2012 21:14:50 ling. etymology происхождение (слова)
5.12.2006 18:11:03 gen. steal a glance взглянуть украдкой (Having never heard her call Atticus “brother” before, I stole a glance at Jem, but he was not listening. (Nelle Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird))
5.12.2006 18:11:03 gen. to steal a glance взглянуть украдкой (Having never heard her call Atticus "brother" before, I stole a glance at Jem, but he was not listening. (Nelle Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird))
24.05.2006 12:14:44 gen. firework салют
24.05.2006 12:14:44 gen. fireworks салют