
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user aldrignedigen: 1.513  << | >>

19.09.2024 15:34:55 gen. beyond possibility of mistake недвусмысленно ("Every book that he wrote, every paragraph, every sentence, every incident in every story, every scrap of dialogue, had to demonstrate beyond possibility of mistake the superiority of the Catholic over the Protestant or the pagan." G. Orwell, Notes on Nationalism orwellfoundation.com)
18.09.2024 16:00:02 law practice direction практическая директива (Практические директивы, предназначенные для обратившихся в Суд государств, были впервые приняты Судом в октябре 2001 года. Практические директивы не сопряжены с изменением Регламента Суда, а дополняют его. Они являются результатом непрерывной ревизии Судом своих методов работы. В настоящее время после принятия Судом каких-либо поправок к Практическим директивам эти поправки помещаются на веб-сайте Суда и публикуются в «Ежегоднике» Суда, сопровождаясь пометой о тех или иных условиях, оговаривающих их применимость во времени. un.org)
16.09.2024 10:11:54 gen. court of public opinion суд общественности (This has seen the formal criminal justice arena being displaced as the primary theatre of contest by what is often referred to as ‘the court of public opinion’. By dragging the case into the more favourable environment of the ‘court of public opinion’, supporters of Soldier F are disrupting the underpinning logic of the criminal trial as a ‘degradation ceremony’. qub.ac.uk)
14.09.2024 20:26:50 gen. quips aside шутки в сторону (Quips aside, Newcastle will need to step up their business if they want players in before the preseason trip to Japan, which begins with a match against Urawa Red Diamonds on 31st July. nufcblog.co.uk)
12.09.2024 17:35:53 nautic. departure draught осадка на отход (studfile.net)
12.09.2024 17:35:29 nautic. arrival draught осадка на приход (studfile.net)
16.09.2024 12:02:02 fin. cutting cycle цикл снижения ключевой ставки (Many feel the Fed was too late to start the cutting cycle and that it could impact AMZN going forward. Shares of AMZN were lower by more than -10% at one point as they reached $160.55 after closing at $184.07 the day before. снижения ключевой ставки citybiz.co)
27.08.2024 21:10:37 gen. dismissiveness пренебрежительность (Some of this dismissiveness comes from a deeply illiberal place, that effectively insists people are too stupid to understand what they want or what is best for them. theguardian.com)
31.07.2024 11:59:01 philos. thinghood вещность (Thinghood is a kind of whole (not a part of a whole) representing the sources as well as the causes of independent things. Thinghood delineates the world. greatbooksguy.com)
26.07.2024 10:33:51 st.exch. buy the rumour, sell the news покупать на слухах, продавать на фактах (‘Buy the rumour, sell the news’ is a well-worn expression, and in the context of trading, it means that if good news is expected sometime in the future, the price will often move higher in anticipation of that date, but not necessarily after. cmcmarkets.com)
1.07.2024 12:45:23 gen. lean on for advice обращаться за советом (Friends and family are great to lean on for advice, but they aren’t always available. In those situations, I have to turn to other people in my life to help me get through professional conundrums. yahoo.com)
27.06.2024 22:01:02 fin. key rate ключ (Сленг: Как и другие игроки рынка, банки ожидали такой рост ставки. Например, в Сбере считают, что с помощью увеличения уровня "ключа" повысится привлекательность рублевых депозитов. А это поддержит валютный курс и усилит сберегательные настроения населения. interfax-russia.ru)
31.05.2024 17:42:58 st.exch. off-the-run securities старые выпуски ценные бумаги (Более ранние выпуски казначейских обязательств с заданным сроком погашения называются старыми (off-the-run securities). Несмотря на то что практически все казначейские ценные бумаги являются старыми, количество сделок по этим обязательствам составляет только 24%. 4nmv.ru)
30.05.2024 10:46:18 st.exch. when-issued securities будущие выпуски ценные бумаги (Предметом остальных 6% сделок между дилерами являются будущие ценные бумаги (when-issued securities). К ним относятся ценные бумаги, уже выставлен-ные на аукцион, но еще не выпущенные в оборот. 4nmv.ru)
30.05.2024 10:45:20 st.exch. on-the-run securities текущие выпуски ценные бумаги (Особенно активно совершаются сделки по со-всем недавно выпущенным ценным бумагам с определенным сроком погашения, по так называемым текущим ценным бумагам (on-the-run securities). 4nmv.ru)
24.05.2024 10:39:54 gen. well slated to иметь хорошую возможность (However, I think Exxon has emerged from the pandemic and period of negative oil that immediately followed it as a much stronger company. It has gotten some needed ESG credentials and has both the most growth-oriented upstream projects along with very credible efforts to reduce carbon emissions. I think the new Exxon is well slated to dominate the Energy industry's long and important last chapter and will be continuing to add to my position and reinvest my dividends. archive.org)
24.05.2024 10:27:26 gen. slated to ожидается, что (Regardless, this is a pivotal point in Fields' career, as he is slated to become a free agent next offseason after Pittsburgh declined to pick up his fifth-year option. Even if he doesn't start this season, Fields could be the Steelers' long-term solution at quarterback if he shows enough promise in 2024. cbssports.com)
19.05.2024 10:30:06 gen. tip into conflict перерастать в конфликт (Its “grey-zone coercion” in the South China Sea falls short of war, but is intended to weaken foes. China thinks these tactics can be sustained without tipping into conflict. The question for any country that supports global rules is how far to let Mr Xi go. economist.com)
26.04.2024 22:46:44 gen. Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training Отдел по международному развитию, сотрудничеству и подготовке прокурорских работников Министерства юстиции США
25.04.2024 11:10:07 gen. it is no hyperbole to say that не будет преувеличением сказать, что (It is no hyperbole to say that having friends, especially good friends, is a sure sign of success. philosophynow.org)
22.04.2024 12:16:10 fin. Working Group on Typologies and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Crime Рабочая группа по типологиями и противодействию финансированию терроризма и преступности (The main focus of the Working Group on Typologies and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Crime (WGTYP) is to conduct typologies studies to identify key threats and vulnerabilities inherent in the Eurasian region and to consistently develop guides and recommendations for competent authorities and a set of indicators for implementation in the private sector. eurasiangroup.org)
17.04.2024 14:18:42 sport. put a price tag on устанавливать цену (Bayer Leverkusen have put a £128m price tag on 20-year-old Florian Wirtz amid interest from Barcelona and Real Madrid.)
7.03.2024 10:08:09 gen. further the allure of увеличивать привлекательность (Social commerce is yet another avenue of revenue for creators, platforms, and advertisers, furthering the allure of digital advertising and being a content creator. As YouTube develops and becomes increasingly a marketplace, that should bring additional advertisers into the game. seekingalpha.com)
23.01.2024 11:08:36 law enforcement immunity исполнительский иммунитет (Absolute immunity from enforcement measures has been largely abandoned and almost all jurisdictions have adopted a restrictive approach to enforcement immunity in one or another form. Enforcement measures are usually permitted in case of waiver or with regard to earmarked property. oup.com)
29.12.2023 17:53:42 comp.games. lore вселенная (In Warcraft lore, the Burning Legion has launched several invasions of Azeroth, each met with resistance from the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde, as well as other races and factions of the world. While there have been moments of devastating losses and the Burning Legion has achieved temporary victories, they have never permanently defeated the Alliance and Horde.)
27.11.2023 11:13:08 fin. buy-rate давать рекомендацию "покупать" (We have buy-rated this stock since we last covered it in fall of 2022, having trimmed profit along the way, and even tried (foolishly with mixed success) to tactically short it now and again. seekingalpha.com)
27.10.2023 11:26:37 fin. margin expansion рост маржинальности ("It seems like we're seeing a new Amazon that's kind of more focused on revenue growth but also decent margin expansion," he said. businessinsider.com)
27.10.2023 11:24:29 fin. margin expansion увеличение маржинальности (Margin expansion is an increase in the rate of profit a company makes on a product: cambridge.org)
18.10.2023 21:35:21 gen. underwhelming слабый (For now, our long-term price target of $161.12 further implies ABBV's underwhelming growth investment thesis for the foreseeable future. seekingalpha.com)
1.10.2023 11:28:19 gen. mark a shift знаменовать перемену (The consequences of this one-day war, however, will stretch far beyond Nagorno-Karabakh. The episode marks a shift in the balance of power in the Caucasus. Armenia’s sovereignty looks more fragile than it has since the Soviet collapse in 1991. economist.com)
21.09.2023 11:54:19 gen. barring если не считать (Mr. Market has turned pessimistic on the Beverage sector, similarly observed in KO's depressed valuations, trading at its lowest in five years, barring the start of the pandemic. seekingalpha.com)
12.09.2023 9:47:55 fin. terminal rate итоговая ставка (In the game of chicken between the Federal Reserve (Fed) and the bond market that’s been going on since last year, the U.S. central bank won out by reaching its stated terminal rate of 5.25% for this tightening cycle. janushenderson.com)
11.09.2023 12:03:52 O&G production cut сокращение добычи (We expect oil prices to remain high in 2023 in part due to voluntary production cuts in Saudi Arabia and Russia, which we expect to lead to an oil deficit in the second half of 2023. seekingalpha.com)
8.09.2023 10:59:03 fin. operate in the red работать в убыток (Starting in Q3 of 2021, the International segment started operating at a loss, and in Q4 of 2021, the North American segment also started operating at a loss. Over the next 5 quarters, both the North American and International segments operated in the red, and AWS accounted for 100% of AMZN's profitability. seekingalpha.com)
6.09.2023 21:08:41 AI. foundation model базовая модель (A foundation model is a deep learning algorithm that has been pre-trained with extremely large data sets scraped from the public internet. techopedia.com)
5.09.2023 10:08:53 gen. clarificatory разъяснительный (It is usual for the Committee to publish the response without remark unless, exceptionally, in the view of the Committee, the House would be assisted by some clarificatory comment. parliament.uk)
31.08.2023 13:48:03 econ. process lead технологическое лидерство (TSM also has a strong process lead over Intel. Any misstep or delay by Intel within its process roadmap can cause a strong bullish momentum for TSM. Both TSM and Intel are investing heavily in expanding their capacity but the FCF and cash reserve metrics for TSM look a lot more favorable. seekingalpha.com)
30.08.2023 15:27:25 gen. tantrum сцена (If you have children, you may have experienced them coming home from school and immediately throwing a tantrum in front of you. ldoceonline.com)
28.08.2023 12:26:02 fishery fishing cooperative промысловый кооператив (The harvest of allocations under the program for fisheries with individual quotas or fishing cooperatives shall be regulated by the Secretary in a manner no more restrictive than for other participants in the applicable sector, including with respect to the harvest of nontarget species. noaa.gov)
25.08.2023 21:15:10 shipb. azimuth stern drive tug буксир с азимутальным принципом движения (Damen Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) Tugs embody a mix of new designs and proven technologies, placing the future on a solid foundation in port or at sea. damen.com)
10.08.2023 17:52:06 gen. in the early innings of на начальном этапе (The words "share-based compensation" appears 35 times in the earnings report. A lot of it had to do with reversing previous share-based compensation expense, but given how popular this form of compensation is among technology companies and how Alibaba (in my view) is still in its early innings as a company, I expect most of the buyback dollars to merely offset dilution as the company attracts talent using its stock. seekingalpha.com)
6.08.2023 17:52:07 gen. gain backing получать поддержку (Gain backing from key external stakeholders, particularly those able to change the rules and control the flow of vital resources gov.uk)
2.08.2023 17:13:20 econ. woo investment привлекать инвестиции (Indian officials want to rely less on Chinese imports and to woo more investment from elsewhere, notably big multinational manufacturers looking for an alternative to China. “We need to stop looking for a China fix,” Mr Jaishankar, the Indian foreign minister, said in May. “Indian growth cannot be built on Chinese efficiency.” economist.com)
2.08.2023 12:02:05 econ. on a purchasing-power basis по паритету покупательной способности (Almost a century later, a sense of disdain still infuses perceptions of India among Chinese officials and scholars. Just look at the data, they say. At its independence in 1947, India’s gdp per head was higher than China’s (on a purchasing-power basis). But by the early 1990s, China had moved ahead on that and many other measures. By 2022, their populations were roughly equal but China’s economy was more than three times bigger. economist.com)
28.07.2023 12:08:43 gen. crisis in confidence кризис доверия (But today, we believe China is navigating through its first really significant crisis in confidence since the restructuring period of the 1990s. And absent any major economic reform, we expect China is going to see lower structural nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth. seekingalpha.com)
11.07.2023 11:13:18 gen. tie to ставить в зависимость (Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tied Ankara’s approval of Sweden’s Nato bid to his country’s efforts to enter the EU, in a fresh blow to Stockholm’s attempt to join the military alliance. ft.com)
20.06.2023 16:33:40 invest. time the market определять точку входа на рынок (Timing the market is a strategy that involves buying and selling stocks based on expected price changes. Prevailing wisdom says that timing the market doesn't work; most of the time, it is very challenging for investors to earn big profits by correctly timing buy and sell orders just before prices go up and down. investopedia.com)
17.06.2023 8:43:41 gen. chief failing главный недостаток (India’s chief failing is its vast numbers of unskilled, jobless young people. It is trying to help them by pioneering a digital welfare state. economist.com)
16.06.2023 7:37:32 math. reversion to the mean возврат к среднему (Reversion to the mean is a mathematical concept. It says that when a system of numbers departs from a long-standing pattern, eventually the system will return to this ordinary range. This is paired with the concept of an aggressive reversion to the mean, which says that a system which departs from historic patterns will change back to its ordinary range dramatically and quickly. yahoo.com)
2.06.2023 16:34:02 gen. make a strong case с уверенностью заявить (Because you can make a strong case that Kershaw is the best pitcher ever. espn.co.uk)
31.05.2023 12:32:58 fish.farm. conversion rate переводной коэффициент (Коэффициент расхода сырья (переводной коэффициент) – это показатель выражающий отношение количества израсходованного сырья к количеству готовой продукции.)
27.05.2023 22:36:45 gen. all year long на протяжении всего года (The mild climate of Charleston allows for river fishing all year long and the Cooper is one of the most sought-after destinations for local, national, and even international fisherman because of the wide variety of fish available and the sheer quantity found (Burleson, 2020).)
23.05.2023 13:51:10 st.exch. before the bell до открытия торгов (Economic data released before the bell showed the U.S. economy slowed more than expected in the first quarter, even as price growth came in hotter than economists projected. At the same time, initial claims for unemployment benefits fell, suggesting ongoing tightness in the labor market, a major driver of inflation. reuters.com)
23.05.2023 13:49:18 st.exch. after the bell после завершения торгов (Microsoft and Alphabet are on deck for earnings on Tuesday after the bell. nasdaq.com)
28.04.2023 10:20:40 gen. bear the wrath of испытать на себе гнев (This is because it was impossible for them to properly perform in recent years due to being a part of a major eCommerce conglomerate that became a threat to the ruling party of China and had to bear the wrath of Beijing. It's unlikely to be the case once Alibaba's current divisions downsize, become standalone businesses, and focus solely on their niches without becoming too big of a threat to the CCP. seekingalpha.com)
28.04.2023 10:07:17 gen. crown jewel главное достояние (After the bell on Thursday, we received first quarter results from online retail and technology giant Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). This report was going to be closely watched to see not only if there has been a slowdown in consumer spending, but also the crown jewel of Amazon Web Services ("AWS"). As it turned out, Amazon's quarter was better than expected, sending shares sharply higher in the after-hours session on top of Thursday's 4.6% rally. seekingalpha.com)
25.04.2023 17:19:36 busin. on the basis of actuals по факту (SHG will reimburse TC officers' and contractors' claims for non-salary expenses on the basis of actuals against produced receipts.)
22.04.2023 11:22:55 gen. tap out исчерпаться (The coming of ubiquitous pseudocognition along these lines could be a turning point in history even if the current pace of AI progress slackens (which it might) or fundamental developments have been tapped out (which feels unlikely). It can be expected to have implications not just for how people earn their livings and organise their lives, but also for how they think about their humanity. economist.com)
13.04.2023 16:07:11 law judicial dissolution ликвидация в судебном порядке (Upon the filing of a complaint for judicial dissolution, the court with which it is filed shall have power to issue injunctions, to appoint a receiver with such authority and duties as the court from time to time may direct, to take such other proceedings as may be necessary to protect the property or the rights of the complainants or of the persons interested, and to carry on the activities of the corporation until a full hearing can be had. casetext.com)
9.04.2023 21:04:50 med. kick прилив (Studies have shown we get a dopamine kick from just saying the word qz.com)
5.04.2023 18:48:01 invest. pump разгон (In a pump and dump scheme, fraudsters typically spread false or misleading information to create a buying frenzy that will “pump” up the price of a stock and then “dump” shares of the stock by selling their own shares at the inflated price. Once the fraudsters dump their shares and stop hyping the stock, the stock price typically falls and investors lose money. investor.gov)
5.04.2023 14:31:32 gen. tensions escalate страсти накаляются (Israeli jets bomb Gaza as tensions escalate ft.com)
2.04.2023 22:52:50 gen. to the point до уровня (School building have deteriorated to the point where they pose a health threat to both students and teachers.)
28.03.2023 18:43:56 econ. consumption recovery восстановление потребительского спроса (“Most onshore investors we met are somewhat cautious about the strength of consumption recovery in the post-Covid era,” China strategists including Kinger Lau wrote in a report on March 26. “The sustainability of housing recovery is still highly dependent on income expectation, which is low at the moment.” scmp.com)
28.03.2023 12:37:20 inf. criminally невероятно (Shazam is a criminally underrated movie. Superb adaptation of the comics.)
26.03.2023 21:29:01 gen. fend off challenges противостоять вызовам (China was front and centre at the US-Canada summit in Ottawa on Friday as the neighbours pledged a closer partnership in critical minerals, semiconductors and collective defence to fend off growing challenges from Beijing. scmp.com)
21.03.2023 12:44:49 econ. foray into a market выход на рынок (Thai Beverage Plc (ThaiBev) launched a new functional carbonated soft drink called 100Plus on Monday, in its debut foray into a market segment worth 47 billion baht ($1.44 billion) annually, the Nation reported. reuters.com)
18.03.2023 20:21:17 fin. unrecognized losses нереализованные убытки (America’s capital rules do not require most banks to account for the falling price of bonds they plan to hold until they mature. Only very large banks must mark to market all of their bonds that are available to trade. But, as svb discovered, if a bank wobbles and must sell bonds, unrecognised losses become real. economist.com)
17.03.2023 10:53:34 gen. in the expectation that в надежде, что (Very high price inflation is a more serious concern to companies. It makes planning and investment decisions harder, and at a macro level, it may be associated with recessionary tendencies in an economy, leading to cutbacks in consumer spending. In extreme cases, high inflation can lead firms to hold onto their stocks longer, in the expectation that they will achieve higher prices tomorrow. henley.ac.uk)
12.03.2023 17:54:32 footb. play it short играть на коротке (Barcelona's tiki-taka brand of football brought the short passing game back in style and suddenly, there was a surge in teams playing it short.)
10.03.2023 17:28:14 econ. friend-shoring перенос производства в дружественные страны (Just as offshoring means moving work overseas to where production costs are low, friend-shoring means encouraging companies to shift manufacturing away from authoritarian states and toward allies. washingtonpost.com)
10.03.2023 15:02:56 gen. in mass в большом количестве (The hardest part, says Lieutenant-Colonel Jason Copeland, Darkside’s commanding officer, would be dealing with “an adversary that’s coming at you in mass”. economist.com)
9.03.2023 22:48:21 fin. boost the allure of увеличивать привлекательность (Looking at the global environment, the era of aggressive monetary tightening is boosting the allure of bonds, which are posing the strongest competition to stocks in years, according to Hinchliffe. bloomberg.com)
3.03.2023 10:27:12 econ. plug deficit закрывать дефицит (Russia's National Wealth Fund shrank to $148.4 billion as of Jan. 1, down $38.1 billion in a month, as the government took out cash to plug its budget deficit, data showed on Wednesday. reuters.com)
24.02.2023 22:43:36 journ. with knowledge of the matter знакомый с ситуацией (About a month after the report was submitted, Ms. Story’s strategy team was concerned that its work might never see the light of day, three people with knowledge of the matter said, and a draft was leaked to one of The Journal’s own media reporters, Jeffrey Trachtenberg. He filed a detailed article on it late last summer. nytimes.com)
23.02.2023 19:17:44 gen. win-win cooperation взаимовыгодное сотрудничество (Analysts believe the annual import and export reports will boost global confidence in the Chinese economy and bolster win-win cooperation with China, speaking volumes for the fact that the world rejects the decoupling theory hyped up by some U.S. politicians. news.cn)
18.02.2023 23:37:59 gen. wonkishness дотошность (Walk with him through the arsenal of airborne and subsea devices on display at Anduril’s headquarters in Southern California and his wonkishness as he explains the gadgetry is almost overwhelming. economist.com)
16.02.2023 11:29:01 econ. upstart стартап (Yet the fact that today’s upstarts, such as Anthropic and Openai, are attracting so much attention (and investment) from Google and Microsoft suggests that smaller firms have a shot at competing in this new field. economist.com)
9.02.2023 10:23:45 real.est. unit-in-place method метод разбивки по компонентам (The unit-in-place method is a modification of the quantity survey method. Cost of labor, materials, overhead, and profit are combined into a unit cost for each portion of the building. Cost per square foot for roofs and walls, and linear foot costs of foundation walls are examples of the unit-in-place method. This method helps the appraiser compute the cost of a building when the comparative method is not practical. pickensassessor.org)
8.02.2023 14:58:24 water.suppl. off-grid water автономная вода (Wells are by far the most common source of off-grid water. People have been using well water since the dawn of civilization and with good reason. Artesian wells provide a constant source of freshwater. tinylivinglife.com)
6.02.2023 16:43:08 gen. spell success сулить успех (And just for clarity--we do not believe that these three items alone, if they come to pass in the way we expect, will be enough to spell success for Google. We simply believe that these elements help to 'stack the deck' in the company's favor, and even a small amount of edge can be enough to help investors assess a company's prospects. seekingalpha.com)
6.02.2023 15:00:04 gen. in private в кулуарах (So there are members of Congress now who have begun to talk about in private the fact that they believe that some of Donald Trump's actions, both in terms of how he talks about other branches of government, how he talks about the courts, the ways in which he has sought to de-legitimize the decisions of federal courts, that those could become the basis for a serious critique and ultimately a charge that he is undermining the norms of democracy or abusing the powers of his office. npr.org)
6.02.2023 11:14:59 gen. fall into obscurity кануть в неизвестность (A Black woman invented the home security system, then fell into obscurity washingtonpost.com)
2.02.2023 15:00:39 law non-judicial rapporteur несудебный докладчик (Несудебный докладчик – сотрудник Секретариата, назначенный помогать единоличному судье в соответствии с пунктом 2 статьи 24 Конвенции (ЕСПЧ) europeancourt.ru)
2.02.2023 13:56:09 inf. fertile ground рассадник (The system for new-share offerings has long been an issue on the mainland market, offering fertile ground for corruption and dereliction. scmp.com)
26.01.2023 12:21:51 fin. up-leg фаза роста (Alibaba Group Holding Limited's (NYSE:BABA) shares have been languishing in the last two years, dropping more than 62% from their all-time high of $317.14. Since November, however, shares of Alibaba have moved into a new up-leg and have more than doubled. seekingalpha.com)
26.01.2023 10:29:30 law dismiss allegations отклонить обвинения (The court dismissed allegations of physical mistreatment and mishandling of forensic evidence in the case, arguing that the forensic work had been handled by respectable institutions and there had been no proof of torture. independent.co.uk)
26.01.2023 10:27:28 gen. beat allegations успешно защититься против выдвинутых обвинений (Finding the right solution to beat allegations of bullying org.uk)
25.01.2023 14:59:18 gen. play into one's efforts играть на руку (Having incompetent enemies is a blessing. For three years, Chinese President Xi Jinping has showered blessings upon the US. A self-isolated, belligerent and increasingly repressive China has been its own worst enemy, playing into America’s efforts to check Chinese power. bloomberg.com)
18.01.2023 15:23:49 gen. strenuously решительно (Kudela and Slavia strenuously denied the initial accusations levelled by Kamara in March, with the Czech Republic international alleged to have made a racist comment while covering his mouth towards the end of an ill-tempered round-of-16 second leg that Rangers lost 2-0, eliminating them from the competition. beinsports.com)
16.01.2023 10:41:12 ling. verb transitivity переходность глагола (Note that verb transitivity is not necessarily the same in French and English! For example, the verb se souvenir de (to remember) is an indirect transitive verb in French (se souvenir de quelqu'un) whereas it is a direct transitive verb in English (to remember someone). kwiziq.com)
15.01.2023 21:15:53 gen. run into challenges столкнуться с трудностями (But all three approaches have run into deep challenges, and the drive to cut off critical parts for the drones is already proving as difficult as the decades-old drive to deprive Iran of the components needed to build the delicate centrifuges it uses to enrich near-bomb-grade uranium. nytimes.com)
13.01.2023 18:22:34 econ. play ставка (Crude’s fortunes over the coming year hinge to a major extent on China, as well as on decisions by OPEC+, the impact of sanctions on Russian flows, and the arc of monetary policy. Oil’s bulls, of which there are many, have built a large part of their outlook on growth in Chinese demand, with Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Jeffrey Currie saying that crude is the “best reopening play”. bloomberg.com)
13.01.2023 12:08:36 econ. crackdown регуляторное давление (Контекстуально. China’s crackdown on its biggest tech companies began in 2020 with new regulations on fintech, which forced Ma’s Ant Group to suspend its $37 billion IPO days before its launch. Regulators then targeted the online financial service units of 13 other tech giants, including Tencent, Baidu, JD.com, Bytedance, Meituan, and Didi. cnn.com)
9.01.2023 18:08:37 invest. share count количество акций (The company has significant room to grow in these markets, and its strong cash flow from operations allows for aggressive repurchasing of its common stock, which will enhance earnings per share. In the long term, we can expect to see an increase in earnings and a decrease in share count, resulting in significant appreciation of earnings per share. seekingalpha.com)
21.12.2022 11:01:22 invest. short unwinding закрытие коротких позиций (A sharp rise in the metric indicates rapid buildup of short positions as, perhaps, market participants perceive a given stock to be due for correction. Conversely, a sharp decline in the metric indicates rapid short unwinding as, perhaps, market participants feel the stock is undervalued or fairly valued, with limited downside potential in store. seekingalpha.com)
9.12.2022 18:36:20 gen. plain sailing лёгкая прогулка (Postgraduate studies will change your life and it will change you. It is not plain sailing but without a challenge, there is no growth. port.ac.uk)
1.12.2022 13:31:46 gen. up to the task по силам (FTX’s European footprint left by the Cypriot subsidiary, which has now had its license suspended, has angered lawmakers who fear that national authorities may not be up to the task of regulating the troubled industry.  ft.com)
29.11.2022 21:14:08 fin. regulatory easing регуляторные послабления (The move is the latest regulatory easing as Beijing steps up support for the property business, a sector that accounts for a quarter of the Chinese economy. Many developers have defaulted on debt obligations and have now halted construction. reuters.com)
23.11.2022 12:23:53 gen. resultantly в результате (Operating expenses soared as a % of total revenue, coming in at approximately 43% of top-line compared to approximately 28% last year, primarily attributable to increased compensation and data infrastructure costs. Resultantly, operating margins declined, coming in at 10% for the quarter compared to 38% last year. seekingalpha.com)

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