
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Tamerlane: 2.778  << | >>

8.10.2022 21:10:44 philos. theodicy проблема зла
6.10.2022 11:32:23 gen. pitch-in ужин в складчину (The book actually says that most of the country used the phrase ‘potluck’ to describe a meal where various folks come together with all or most of them bringing some food they intend to share. But Southern Indiana (and parts of Montana) call these meals ‘pitch-ins’ – by Jeff Quyle (Radius Indiana President & CEO))
6.10.2022 11:30:30 gen. pitch-in обед в складчину
5.10.2022 21:01:31 polit. imperial designs имперские замыслы
4.10.2022 18:33:17 mil., navy watch officer командир
1.10.2022 19:32:45 polit. the collective West коллективный Запад (And beyond all that, the Chinese have this feeling in their heart of hearts and in their gut of guts that those of us in the collective West are just too damned arrogant – by Kevin Rudd; The war currently underway in Ukraine – which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia – is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular – by Emmet Sweeney)
29.09.2022 11:28:43 inf. armchair critic диванный эксперт
25.09.2022 20:06:33 relig. henotheism энотеизм
18.09.2022 18:40:26 hist. literacy school школа грамоты
16.09.2022 20:50:58 gen. as many as several сразу несколько (used to show surprise at how large a number of people or things is: We independently broker the policies of as many as several nationally recognized insurers to get you the best deal for your car insurance – Bow Valley Insurance (Canada); These awards from Q+M magazine recognise upcoming leaders in the quarrying sector. As many as several people have won an award in one year ... – Aggregate & Quarry Association (New Zealand))
16.09.2022 16:52:41 hist. Bukey Horde Внутренняя Киргизская орда (the Bukey Horde)
16.09.2022 16:07:21 gen. ethno-confessional этно-конфессиональный (We can picture Yeats dutifully listening to the veteran Fenian waxing lyrical about Tone and Emmet’s endeavour to bridge the ethno-confessional gulf between Catholics and Protestants – by Ulick Fitzhugh)
15.09.2022 22:39:23 gen. like точно
15.09.2022 15:43:44 hist. Most Faithful Report of the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod Всеподданнейший отчёт Обер-прокурора Святейшего Синода
15.09.2022 10:26:04 relig. co-mystic сотаинник
15.09.2022 10:24:34 relig. sharer of the monastic mystery сотаинник (термин предложен Maksym Kozub: That bond is known in church language by a special term: sotainnik, which could be rendered as 'sharer of the monastic mystery,' or simply as 'co-mystic – from 'Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works')
14.09.2022 0:11:37 hist. Ecclesiastical Educational Administration Духовно-учебное управление
13.09.2022 13:09:42 inf. go viral online взорвать интернет (Crowds of people have been seen singing and dancing on a street corner in York city centre in a video which has gone viral online – by Edward Breslin)
13.09.2022 11:33:05 gen. be reckoned by исчисляться (If the mighty merchant whose benefactions are reckoned by thousands of dollars ... – by Nathaniel Hawthorne)
13.09.2022 10:59:12 hist. Central School Board Главное управление училищ
5.09.2022 15:03:48 hist. supernumerary town заштатный город (... and (3) supernumerary towns (zashtatniye gorodá), which have no particular significance ... – by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace)
4.09.2022 12:42:19 hist. school of forestry лесная школа
4.09.2022 12:37:56 hist. school of art рисовальная школа
4.09.2022 12:37:44 hist. art school рисовальная школа
4.09.2022 10:47:15 gen. brisk бурный
3.09.2022 20:51:50 agric. livestock farming животноводческий (... a first-of-its-kind RNG project in Alberta that uses a unique technology called thermal hydrolysis to process agricultural and livestock farming waste)
31.08.2022 19:11:32 soviet. restructuring and openness перестройка и гласность (The son of peasants, the world would come to know him as the architect of ‘perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’ — restructuring and openness – by Ann M. Simmons)
27.08.2022 12:55:07 cook. recommended food capacity разовая загрузка (применительно к фритюрницам и т.д. com.au)
25.08.2022 17:55:51 gov. Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers председатель Кабинета министров
25.08.2022 0:04:23 gen. family connections семейные связи (... an illustrious Knight sprung from an ancient and noble stock, most noble in his descent and family connections ... thisispaston.co.uk)
24.08.2022 11:19:47 ed. Academy of Medicine and Surgery Медико-хирургическая академия (по аналогии с the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery)
23.08.2022 21:57:53 ed. university's constitution устав университета
19.08.2022 22:07:37 R&D. intrapreneurship внутрикорпоративное предпринимательство
18.08.2022 12:32:22 R&D. citation platform платформа научного цитирования (... offers a wide variety of tools common to other citation platforms, such as Scopus and Web of Science ... – by Nicholson et al.)
14.08.2022 2:58:55 media. short piece заметка
14.08.2022 1:38:15 gen. villain виновник (something said to be the cause of particular trouble or an evil: poverty, the villain in the increase of crime thefreedictionary.com)
13.08.2022 0:29:00 gen. all the more so тем более (The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform strongly emphasises the need for public services to achieve value for money, all the more so in the current economic climate – Department of Foreign Affairs (Ireland))
12.08.2022 22:14:47 gen. the broad masses of the people широкие массы населения (One individual based his leadership on the premise that “The broad masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one" – New Zealand Parliament)
12.08.2022 12:09:20 gen. biorobot биоробот (Creating such biorobots will require appropriate theories of cognition, learning, and evolution, all of which are available – by John Pickering)
11.08.2022 12:02:44 media. manipulate public consciousness манипулировать общественным сознанием (But the most damning criticism goes to the reality gap of biopics like Sniper: lack of context and historical complexity that give viewers only a superficial snapshot of events of profound significance — and, in doing so, can manipulate public consciousness – by Olivia Ward)
10.08.2022 17:37:49 gen. bolster the morale of поднимать моральный дух (кого-либо: To accomplish these ends, attempts were made to arouse hatred and fear of the enemy and to bolster the morale of the people – by Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell)
6.08.2022 22:50:35 polit. proxy war война по доверенности
28.07.2022 12:14:54 gen. it is to be noted here that при этом
27.07.2022 11:32:32 met. pot casting маслота (термин предложен niccolo)
24.07.2022 13:25:41 gen. distinct ярко выраженный
24.07.2022 10:44:53 gen. print source печатный источник (To find a print source (books, journals, maps, and government publications) you will need 4 things ... – MacOdrum Library)
21.07.2022 11:47:10 gen. synthesize обобщить
21.07.2022 11:22:45 R&D. periodical press materials материалы периодической печати (Like Leighton’s assignment, Warne’s required students to use both nineteenth-century periodical press materials and scrapbooking methods to address course content and readings – by Elizabeth Bassett, Heather Dean, Andrea Korda, Mary Elizabeth Leighton, and Vanessa Warne)
18.07.2022 20:12:26 gen. from a position of power с позиции силы (Then why is MLS threatening to enact the Force Majeure Clause and a lockout? I don’t have any sources in MLS, so I may be completely wrong in my judgment on this, but my best guess is MLS is trying to find/use any leverage they have to try and negotiate a new CBA with the players. MLS are trying to negotiate from a position of power when they aren’t currently in that position. They want to take advantage of the pandemic to try and profit in the short term. If they can force the players into a worse CBA, they win, and the owners’ pockets get even happier – by Connor Somerville)
16.07.2022 10:42:25 tech. allowance гарантийная поправка
12.07.2022 21:12:07 mil. bomb drop прилёт (The number of bomb drops began to increase immediately after Malcolm Turnbull seized power – by John Stapleton)
9.07.2022 11:01:09 tel. no caller id неизвестный номер (Иногда при вызове на вашем дисплее может не отображаться привычный номер телефона. Вместо него появляется надпись "Неизвестно", "Неизвестный номер" или "Номер скрыт" topnomer.ru)
8.07.2022 14:47:24 gen. revived возрождённый (The company’s 2014 season will present 22 dance works total. The repertoire will include several revived works, such as Fibers (1961), Private Domain (1969) and Dust (1977), and Taylor’s newer works, Make Crops Grow (2012) and Perpetual Dawn (2013) danceinforma.us)
8.07.2022 14:27:11 gen. with a prize of с денежный фондом (... Andrews noticed the company was hosting a contest with a prize of $10,000 – by Chelsea Ritschel)
8.07.2022 13:27:12 publish. academic publishing house научный издательский дом (Aussino Academic Publishing House)
7.07.2022 13:22:33 publish. top-rated перворейтинговый (Access to CRSP and Compustat, the top-rated databases for financial research on the US market – by Mark Greenwood)
30.06.2022 19:17:07 hist. volnitsa вольница (The self-governing Cossack community (volnitsa) demonstrates above all the dualism, the contradictory nature of the Russian national character: on the one hand they humbly helped the Russian people build the despotic, autocratic state, but on the other hand they retreated into their self-governing communities, turning their backs on the state and stirring up rebellion against it – from Walther K. Lang's 'The Legendary Cossacks: Anarchy and Nationalism in the Conceptions of Ilya Repin and Nikolai Gogol')
30.06.2022 12:24:02 gen. for the glory of во славу
29.06.2022 18:01:10 mil. fortified district укрепрайон (He showed me pictures of the fortifications of Kyiv in 1941. It had been an ukreprayon, a fortified district; an elaborate set of defences were built on its landward side at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s – by James Meek)
27.06.2022 12:44:20 ed. form teacher классный наставник
27.06.2022 12:43:34 ed. form mistress классный наставник (если женщина)
20.06.2022 15:15:01 hist. Department of State Assets Ведомство государственных имуществ
20.06.2022 13:38:30 hist. temporarily obligated временнообязанный (Form 2 requested information on temporarily obligated peasants’ obrok payments and arrears as of January 1, 1881 – by David W. Darrow)
19.06.2022 13:40:04 ed. tradesman's school ремесленное училище (Well, in those days, Lane Tech was still a tradesman's school. It was a school where one went to learn the trades. It wasn't a college prep school. It later became that – by William Conger)
19.06.2022 12:53:35 hist. diocesan school епархиальное училище
19.06.2022 9:29:39 hist. address calendar адрес-календарь
19.06.2022 0:47:00 h.rghts.act. regulatory document нормативно-правовой документ (‘regulatory document’ means a regulation, rule, code of conduct or other document that has legislative effect with respect to financial service providers or any specified class of financial service providers – Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act 2004)
18.06.2022 18:39:44 relig. Armenian Gregorian Christians армяне-григориане
18.06.2022 18:39:18 relig. Armenian Gregorian Christians армяне-григорианцы (There are signs at the front of some churches which state that only Armenian Gregorian Christians are permitted entry ... – by James Barry)
17.06.2022 11:24:34 ed. nautical courses мореходные классы
16.06.2022 21:33:33 relig. Armenian Gregorians армяне-григорианцы
16.06.2022 21:28:11 relig. Armenian Gregorians армяне-григориане (The Ottomans always tolerated conversions of Armenian Gregorians and Assyrian Christians to Catholicism and even accepted as milletbaşıs clerics that were in favor of union with the Catholic church – by Brad R. Dennis)
15.06.2022 23:56:43 geogr. Main Caucasian Range Главный Кавказский хребет (wikipedia.org)
12.06.2022 18:06:49 polit. open-air meeting митинг
12.06.2022 2:44:56 med. paint обработать (painted the cut with antiseptic; "Then paint the cut with iodine. It'll sting, but that can't be helped" (by Roald Dahl) thefreedictionary.com)
11.06.2022 11:11:44 polit. industrial propaganda производственная пропаганда
10.06.2022 21:09:53 gen. low-literacy малограмотный (We argue that the education of children in low literacy communities is disadvantaged in (at least) two ways by their families’ low literacy – by Ruth Ratcliffe and Bob Boughton)
9.06.2022 19:57:26 R&D. expertise center отраслевой центр
9.06.2022 19:57:10 R&D. center of expertise отраслевой центр
9.06.2022 16:10:39 gen. in the conditions of в условиях (While the pandemic represents a once-in-a-generation challenge for healthcare systems, it also represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to harness this unprecedented momentum, to work with an industry that has been primed for change through its experience of operating in the conditions of a global pandemic – by the Hon Greg Hunt MP Former Minister for Health and Aged Care )
9.06.2022 13:11:35 R&D. applied research отраслевая наука
9.06.2022 11:55:39 econ. crisis package пакет антикризисных мер (The agriculture minister Jeff Rooker hinted yesterday that a crisis package for the rural economy would be announced shortly ... independent.co.uk)
9.06.2022 11:44:35 econ. package of anti-crisis measures пакет антикризисных мер (European leaders have agreed a new package of anti-crisis measures at a two-day summit rte.ie)
9.06.2022 11:34:35 econ. housing and utilities sector ЖКХ (One silver lining for consumers is that most of the slowing occurred in the services sector – the housing and utilities sector in particular – with big-ticket durable goods growth still steady at elevated levels – by Robert Johnson, CFA, director of economic analysis for Morningstar)
9.06.2022 0:09:00 polit. pass into law утвердить
8.06.2022 22:06:47 railw. sit idle стоять
7.06.2022 19:53:54 gen. nonparty conference беспартийная конференция
7.06.2022 16:36:43 gen. technical assistant технический сотрудник (Altogether, I5-I8 political workers were employed, and in addition there were 8o-85 technical assistants – by R. Taylor)
7.06.2022 14:37:31 hist. stationary propaganda outlet агитпункт (For a while, the film wagons became stationary, attached to agitpunkty (stationary propaganda outlets) to help disseminate propaganda about the terrible famine that began ravaging large parts of the country in 1921 – by John MacKay)
7.06.2022 14:15:55 hist. Complaints Office Бюро жалоб (... also a Complaints Office which received petitions from the population ... – by R. Taylor)
7.06.2022 13:24:43 hist. agit-steamboat агитпароход
7.06.2022 12:29:29 hist. mobile military frontline literary train военно-подвижной фронтовой литературный поезд (In August 1918 the first Agit-Train, called “The Mobile Military Front-Line Literary Train Named after V.I. Lenin”, left Moscow to travel to Kazan ... – by John Medhurst)
6.06.2022 20:40:28 paint. paint art on расписывать (They hired artist Arlene McLoughlin – who created the murals at Dirty Taco & Tequila – to paint art on the walls jnews.uk)
6.06.2022 20:16:38 journ. illustrated poster художественный плакат (ср. "Jules Chéret, who was considered the father of the illustrated poster" (Ruth E. Iskin) и "Жюля Шере называют "отцом художественного плаката" (artchive.ru))
6.06.2022 4:40:26 journ. opinion piece публицистическая статья
5.06.2022 15:41:01 hist. literary-instructional литературно-инструкторский (... it was felt to have been so successful that Trotsky ordered five similar literary-instructional trains from the Moscow regional railway – by Richard Taylor)
5.06.2022 14:22:31 hist. agitational train агитационный поезд (The structure of the mechanism for agitation, education, and propaganda, according to Richard Taylor, “eventually combined a network of stationary agitpunkty, placed at strategic points, with a number of travelling agitational trains. The trains were to act as the vanguard of revolutionary agitation, while the agitpunkty concentrated on propaganda saturation of the population” (Taylor 1971: 566) – by Craig Campbell)
5.06.2022 14:12:11 hist. agit-station агитпункт
5.06.2022 13:20:20 gen. socialism building социалистическое строительство (I will then chart the expansion of the diagnostics of ‘imperfection’ across the Soviet 1920s–1930s, as its core interest gradually shifted from the pathologised ‘delinquent child’, construed as an outcome of the cataclysm of revolutionary upheaval, to the normatively framed statistical ‘mass child’, created as a function of Bolshevik ‘socialism building’ – by Andy Byford)
2.06.2022 20:57:11 hist. Higher Women's Courses Высшие женские курсы (As a young woman, Vygodskaia dreamed of attending the Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg to achieve the independent, purposeful life she so desired – University of Illinois (College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (Department of History)))

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