
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Rolka: 2

18.03.2011 1:12:49 construct. light pipe световой колодец (приём при строительстве для лучшего проникновения дневного света в помещение: Light tubes (also known as light pipes or tubular skylights) are structures that transmit or distribute natural or artificial light for the purpose of illumination and are examples of optical waveguides. wikipedia.org)
18.03.2011 1:12:49 construct. tubular skylight световой колодец (приём при строительстве для лучшего проникновения дневного света в помещение: Light tubes (also known as light pipes or tubular skylights) are structures that transmit or distribute natural or artificial light for the purpose of illumination and are examples of optical waveguides. wikipedia.org)