
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Fiona Paterson: 20

8.11.2022 17:55:06 gen. dangerous occurrence авария ("Dangerous occurrences are certain unintended, specified events, which may not result in a reportable injury, but which do have the potential to cause significant harm." (UK Health and Safety Executive) • See Schedule 2 to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, which is a list of dangerous occurrences. gov.uk, gov.uk)
29.09.2021 20:25:52 gen. officers and other ranks лица рядового и начальствующего состава ("There are two distinct tiers within the British Army's rank structure – officers and other ranks. Officers are at the top of the hierarchy. Their ranks indicate that they hold positions of authority, granted through a commission – a formal document of appointment signed by the monarch. Other ranks are the enlisted soldiers of the army. They do not have a commission and they do not hold positions of high command. However, separate tiers of authority – warrant officer (WO) and non-commissioned officer (NCO) – exist within their rank structure." nam.ac.uk)
17.09.2019 15:04:26 gen. consult ознакомиться (documents)
30.10.2018 14:50:40 HR paid annual leave оплачиваемый трудовой отпуск
30.10.2018 14:48:50 HR paid annual leave оплачиваемый ежегодный трудовой отпуск
10.10.2018 14:22:30 HR pay rate multiplier тарифный коэффициент
3.08.2018 22:35:35 construct. urban landscaping благоустройство территории
3.08.2018 13:33:42 slang this car's a real gas-guzzler эта машина жрёт слишком много топлива
3.08.2018 13:22:26 med. preeclampsia токсикоз беременности
20.07.2018 19:08:54 med. urgent treatment/care неотложная медицинская помощь
20.07.2018 19:07:10 med. urgent treatment/care/medical attention неотложная медицинская помощь ("Urgent treatment centres are a facility you can go to if you need urgent medical attention but it's not a life-threatening situation." nhs.uk)
2.10.2017 1:08:57 gen. sufficient corroboration достаточное подтверждение
2.10.2017 1:07:22 gen. locked down border граница на замке
29.09.2017 13:40:31 law competing legal norms Конкуренция норм ("Конкуренция уголовно-правовых норм имеет место в случаях, когда одно и то же деяние регулируется двумя нормами уголовного законодательства, из которых подлежит применению только одна." (Wikipedia). English example: "Competing Norms In The Law Of Marine Environmental Protection".)
18.06.2017 14:42:32 mil. kit, clothing вещевое имущество (Used in NATO-Russia Glossary of Contemporary Political and Military Terms)
8.08.2012 13:59:32 gen. jotter тетрадь (Scottish use)
23.11.2010 16:09:56 gen. ecosystem природный комплекс
1.07.2010 19:25:38 med. microbiologically proven бактериовыделение (с бактериовыделением; tuberculosis)
1.07.2010 19:25:14 med. bacteriologically proven бактериовыделение (с бактериовыделением, tuberculosis)
2.07.2009 17:17:57 gen. within a hair's breadth вплотную