
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Abysslooker: 4.320  << | >>

22.09.2024 13:18:06 nautic. after well кормовая колодезная палуба (...a knock came to the door—the only door, the one that led out into the deep after well.)
22.09.2024 12:12:52 gen. drop away стихать (The wind had dropped away now.)
22.09.2024 10:51:14 gen. putt-putt тарахтеть (Within a minute the engine had come to life and was putt-putting evenly away as the first of the wounded soldiers was lowered on to the thwarts.)
20.09.2024 19:41:34 become aware of become aware
20.09.2024 19:41:22 become aware become aware of
20.09.2024 14:33:33 gen. not some time ago не далее как какое-то время назад (I heard its anchor going down not ten minutes ago.)
20.09.2024 12:59:43 inf. rightly толком (в значении "хорошо", "как следует": I don’t rightly know.)
19.09.2024 13:36:26 clickety-clack clickety-click
19.09.2024 12:24:33 gen. husky с хрипотцой (о голосе)
19.09.2024 11:58:36 gen. by and by немного погодя (наречное выражение)
19.09.2024 11:58:36 gen. by and by чуть погодя (наречное выражение)
19.09.2024 11:54:47 gen. by and by спустя некоторое время (cambridge.org)
19.09.2024 11:35:08 gen. T suppressor cell Т-клетка-супрессор
19.09.2024 11:32:08 biol. T helper cell Т-клетка-хелпер
18.09.2024 23:42:18 inf. fig. no end of вагон (в значении "значительное количество")
18.09.2024 19:19:48 gen. have a way with находить общий язык (“Ah, well.” He shook his head philosophically. “Never had much of a way with children, I’m afraid.")
18.09.2024 19:18:12 have a way with have one's way with
18.09.2024 16:55:24 context. reach safety выкарабкаться (откуда-либо: It is better, much better, that you don’t know my business. If we ever reach safety I promise you I’ll tell you what it’s all about.)
17.09.2024 13:09:49 inf. context. considerable сумасшедший (I had to move in a considerable hurry.)
16.09.2024 19:45:44 fig. guess прикидывать
15.09.2024 12:11:29 gen. all the time непрестанно
14.09.2024 18:17:30 gen. listless отрешённый
13.09.2024 20:21:05 at pains be at pains
13.09.2024 20:08:55 gen. not a chance да ни в жизнь
13.09.2024 12:26:59 inf. hard to say как знать
13.09.2024 12:02:23 humor. floating death-trap плавучий гроб
13.09.2024 11:25:46 context. kindly милосердный ("Most of them will finish up at the bottom of the sea.” “A kindly alternative to a Japanese prison camp.")
12.09.2024 14:25:15 gen. swirling вихрящийся
12.09.2024 12:24:11 fig. assent подхватить (поддержать и продолжить слова собеседника: "All Northern Australia—blueprints for invasion!” “Complete in every relevant detail,” Farnholme assented.)
12.09.2024 0:30:15 gen. unsteady дрожащий (When he spoke both his voice and the hands that held the photostats were unsteady.)
11.09.2024 18:57:49 gen. open нескрываемый (For the first time the colonel regarded his visitor with open curiosity.)
10.09.2024 12:45:58 gen. at the most ни как не старше (о возрасте)
10.09.2024 12:45:32 gen. at the most никак не больше
9.09.2024 23:50:16 gen. tufted косматый (tufted eyebrows )
9.09.2024 20:29:20 gen. jauntily задористо
9.09.2024 19:24:38 context. fig. lie in one's hands лежать на ком-либо (He was conscious only of ... the almost inhuman burden of responsibility that lay in his hands alone.)
9.09.2024 19:21:59 gen. lie in one's hands находиться в чьих-либо руках
9.09.2024 19:21:59 gen. lie in one's hands быть в чьих-либо руках
9.09.2024 19:19:15 idiom. burden of responsibility бремя ответственности
9.09.2024 19:06:30 gen. be conscious of ведать (особенно с отрицанием: The tall, elderly man in the candle-lit waitingroom of the offices some way south of Fort Canning was conscious of none of these things.)
8.09.2024 10:47:10 inf. well past хорошо за (о возрасте)
7.09.2024 23:37:29 gen. upcurving eyes азиатские глаза (с приподнятыми внешними уголками: ... but even so it was possible to see the smooth broad-boned faces and upcurving eyes)
7.09.2024 0:29:05 gen. anguished горестный (anguished wailing in the night)
6.09.2024 20:45:22 el. p-n p-n-переход
6.09.2024 20:45:08 el. p-n p-n-переход
6.09.2024 13:40:56 gen. resolutely упорно
6.09.2024 12:45:55 disorganise disorganize
6.09.2024 12:40:17 disorganised disorganized
5.09.2024 23:47:49 gen. wasted осунувшийся (His eyes, too, were red-rimmed and bloodshot, and his face grey and wasted with what might have been malaria or dysentery or both.)
5.09.2024 13:44:58 gen. flick off выключать (со щелчком, см. flick on: He walked along slowly at the head of the double column of men, flicking a torch on and off as he picked a clear way through the debris that littered the street and checked their direction of progress from time to time.)
5.09.2024 12:46:46 gen. nurtured пестуемый (carefully nurtured legend)
4.09.2024 18:30:47 gen. waking nightmare кошмар наяву
3.09.2024 14:00:17 inf. terribly смертельно (terribly tired)
2.09.2024 22:57:05 gen. unsubstantial бесплотный
2.09.2024 13:58:42 gen. clear across через весь (all the way across, from one side to the other: Perhaps from the Kallang airport, perhaps from the power station, perhaps clear across the island from the naval base in the north, perhaps from the oil islands, from Pulo Sambo and Pulo Sebarok, four or five miles away.)
2.09.2024 10:51:06 gen. irregular хаотичный (irregular moves)
1.09.2024 20:11:19 gen. swirling клубящийся
30.08.2024 23:40:05 gen. as one как по команде (As one, both men lifted their eyes and looked about thirty yards ahead.)
29.08.2024 10:38:05 gen. just in case вдруг (вдруг Наташа вернется – just in case Natasha returns)
28.08.2024 23:21:18 gen. vicious остервенелый
28.08.2024 14:19:00 gen. fading стихающий
26.08.2024 18:34:22 gen. conveniently подходяще
25.08.2024 10:44:00 gen. thin snowfall редкий снег
25.08.2024 10:35:06 inf. pathetic excuse жалкая пародия
25.08.2024 10:29:48 idiom. ironic. poor man's something экономвариант (написание русского термина слитное merriam-webster.com)
23.08.2024 16:53:13 gen. in the midst of life в расцвете лет
23.08.2024 14:55:34 gen. near enough вроде того
23.08.2024 13:13:23 idiom. more than one's fair share of хоть отбавляй
23.08.2024 13:13:12 idiom. more than one's fair share of хоть отбавляй
23.08.2024 13:13:01 idiom. more than one's fair share of хоть отбавляй
23.08.2024 12:10:26 Juggernaught Juggernaut
23.08.2024 11:32:17 be on hand on hand
23.08.2024 11:31:45 on hand be on hand
23.08.2024 11:02:13 gen. let someone look after oneself предоставить кого- или что-либо самому себе (...judging from the stentorian snores, the Governor of the State of Nevada had decided to let tomorrow's troubles look after themselves.)
22.08.2024 13:07:35 gen. have two jobs at a time работать по совместительству
22.08.2024 13:07:35 gen. do two jobs at a time работать по совместительству
21.08.2024 22:07:49 gen. normally по заведённому порядку
21.08.2024 9:57:43 strenght strength (common misspelling)
21.08.2024 9:44:24 sport. gaining strength набирающийся сил
20.08.2024 11:17:37 NATO Membership Action Plan ПДЧ (План действий по членству (в НАТО) wikipedia.org)
19.08.2024 13:38:34 gen. haunting назойливый
19.08.2024 13:35:37 gen. hauntingly назойливо
19.08.2024 13:31:51 gen. hauntingly неотвязно
19.08.2024 12:28:33 gen. disaffected враждебно настроенный
19.08.2024 12:22:03 gen. bear on оказывать влияние на ( )
19.08.2024 12:07:19 geogr. Virginia City Верджиния-Сити (поселение в штате Невада wikipedia.org)
19.08.2024 11:53:38 elect the elect
19.08.2024 11:45:03 of some note of note
19.08.2024 11:44:42 gen. of some note довольно известный
19.08.2024 11:36:00 gen. of some note небезызвестный
19.08.2024 11:35:36 ironic. of some note небезызвестный
19.08.2024 11:32:57 gen. of note знаменитый
19.08.2024 11:32:57 gen. of note прославленный
19.08.2024 9:23:46 nee née
17.08.2024 0:35:26 gen. have some length of time on somebody опередить кого-либо на какое-либо время (Instead he said: 'Twenty minutes. Not more than twenty minutes.' *** Deakin had fifteen minutes on them.)
17.08.2024 0:09:21 gen. think better of отказаться от затеи (сделать что-либо)
16.08.2024 23:37:36 gen. out of commission травмированный (Again, he looked at Marica: with ankle and wrist out of commission she was now scarcely able to maintain her seat in the saddle.)
16.08.2024 10:05:04 gen. be across полностью что-либо пересечь (перейти и т.п.: The train appeared to be almost across the bridge; the locomotive and tender were, in fact, already across the bridge and on solid rock.)
14.08.2024 20:43:52 gen. at a dead run со всех ног
14.08.2024 19:51:26 inf. the last thing someone wants совершенно ни к чему (Last thing I want is a pitched battle. — Генеральное сражение мне совершенно ни к чему.)

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