
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.671  << | >>

15.06.2024 9:09:08 inf. stink up the joint завонять помещение (неприятными запахами: "Why don't you guys paint this place in June instead of November when all the windows are closed?" "Hey, what's the matter?" "You're stinking up the joint, that's what's the matter!" (Fuzz, 1972) -- Вы завоняли всё помещение (своей краской))
15.06.2024 8:37:42 fig.of.sp. travel перебраться ("I burned through sage… I placed the crystals," she said. She even placed $20 bills around the house to appease the former brothel's ghostly inhabitants. After putting in a great deal of physical and spiritual work into the property, she claimed the hauntings have now stopped. She fears, however, that the dark entities traveled next door, noting deadly accidents that befell her neighbors. -- перебрались в соседний дом (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 8:33:40 gen. powerful businessman воротила (She also discovered that the house, built in 1838, was previously a brothel owned by a powerful local businessman who took young people as payment. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 8:31:07 gen. powerful local businessman местный воротила (She also discovered that the house, built in 1838, was previously a brothel owned by a powerful local businessman who took young people as payment. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 8:19:30 idiom. on a whim без подготовки (because of a sudden decision (Merriam-Webster): She bought the house on a whim despite having reservations about it, and soon became obsessed with the property. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 8:19:39 idiom. on a whim не обдумав хорошенько (because of a sudden decision (Merriam-Webster): She bought the house on a whim despite having reservations about it, and soon became obsessed with the property. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 7:17:30 idiom. blow one's mind потрясти воображение
15.06.2024 7:17:18 idiom. blow one's mind поразить воображение
15.06.2024 7:17:07 idiom. blow one's mind потрясать воображение (It's amazing, it blows my mind! – Это потрясающе!)
15.06.2024 7:16:34 idiom. blow one's mind потрясти (This has just blown my mind. – Это меня просто потрясло. • He shared with listeners topics from his upcoming show, including the story of a husband and wife who made plaster casts of mysterious footprints they found near their home. While Horowitz didn't reveal what made the footprints, he promised the answer would shock viewers. "It will blow people's minds to discover what's running around Western Pennsylvania," he claimed. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.06.2024 7:10:40 real.est. housing growth рост жилищного строительства (Both Vancouver and Toronto made the list of the cities that are “impossibly unaffordable.” Cox points to a policy, “Going for Housing Growth,” introduced by New Zealand’s coalition government that requires local authorities to immediately zone for 30 years of housing growth. “Toronto and Vancouver show that the cost of taming expansion is unacceptably high: inflated house prices, higher rents and, for increasing numbers of people, poverty,” Cox wrote. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 7:07:26 real.est. inflated house prices раздутые цены на жильё (В каких районах крупных городов раздуты цены на жильё. В Москве это Матвеевское, локации в районе метро «Тульская» и «Ломоносовский проспект». (iz.ru) • Both Vancouver and Toronto made the list of the cities that are “impossibly unaffordable.” “Toronto and Vancouver show that the cost of taming expansion is unacceptably high: inflated house prices, higher rents and, for increasing numbers of people, poverty,” Cox wrote. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 7:02:20 disappr. make a profit нажиться (“The middle-class is under siege principally due to the escalation of land costs. As land has been rationed in an effort to curb urban sprawl, the excess of demand over supply has driven prices up,” the report said. Prices were driven up even further as investors jumped into the market to make a profit. (cnn.com) • The current government increased immigration dramatically without a plan to provide housing. Now mortgage rates have risen and builders are waiting on the sidelines for better finance conditions to make a profit. Government is throwing tax money (billions) -- our money, at a problem they created... to influence your vote. (vancouversun.com))
15.06.2024 6:51:05 mun.plan. curb urban sprawl ограничивать разрастание городов (The report measures affordability using a price-to-income ratio of the median house price divided by the gross median household income. “The middle-class is under siege principally due to the escalation of land costs. As land has been rationed in an effort to curb urban sprawl, the excess of demand over supply has driven prices up,” the report said. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:51:05 mun.plan. curb urban sprawl сдерживать расползание городов (The report measures affordability using a price-to-income ratio of the median house price divided by the gross median household income. “The middle-class is under siege principally due to the escalation of land costs. As land has been rationed in an effort to curb urban sprawl, the excess of demand over supply has driven prices up,” the report said. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:44:01 fig.of.sp. have a chilling effect остудить (on sth., sb. – что-л., кого-л.: Hong Kong may be the least affordable city worldwide, but potential home buyers may be encouraged to know that it’s not as unaffordable as it once was. House prices slipped during the pandemic in 2020, when the government closed the city’s borders and imposed a zero-Covid policy — that’s on top of new national security laws that have had a chilling effect on the city. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:40:24 real.est. home buyer покупатель недвижимости (общий термин, без разграничения на покупателей квартир и частных домов с участками, как принято уточнять в РФ: А new report sums up the feeling of many potential home buyers by creating a category that labels some major cities as “impossibly unaffordable.” Topping the global leaderboard is Hong Kong, the compact Asian financial hub known for its tiny apartments and sky-high rents. Notably, it’s the only Chinese market covered in the report. Both Vancouver and Toronto made the list of the cities that are “impossibly unaffordable.” (cnn.com) • Hong Kong may be the least affordable city worldwide, but potential home buyers may be encouraged to know that it’s not as unaffordable as it once was. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:38:34 gen. decades-long насчитывающий не одно десятилетие (A regular entrant on the “most expensive” tables, Hong Kong has the lowest home ownership rate of all the cities surveyed, at just 51%, compared to its Asian rival Singapore where home ownership tops 89% due to the government’s decades-long commitment to public housing. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:36:14 disappr. sky-high непомерно высокий (о ценах, арендной плате и т.п.: Topping the global leaderboard is Hong Kong, the compact Asian financial hub known for its tiny apartments and sky-high rents. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:31:25 gen. unsurprisingly не вызывает удивления (US cities on the West Coast and Hawaii occupied five of the top 10 most unaffordable places, according to the annual Demographic International Housing Affordability report, which has been tracking house prices for 20 years. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most expensive US cities to buy home are in California, where San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego have all made the top 10. -- Пожалуй, не вызывает удивления то, что ... (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:23:23 journ. send prices soaring вызвать резкое подорожание (The report compared average incomes with average home prices. It found that pandemic-driven demand for homes with outside space, land use policies aimed at limiting urban sprawl, and investors piling into markets had sent prices soaring. (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:21:13 gen. make one's way along the river плыть по реке (Rowers making their way along the Maribyrnong River outside of Melbourne saw a fearsome dragon-like creature in the water.)
15.06.2024 6:15:37 gen. much more difficult гораздо сложнее (Anyone with half an eye on the housing market over the last two decades will know that in many countries, not least the United States, it’s become much more difficult to buy a home. (cnn.com) -- стало гораздо сложнее купить жильё)
15.06.2024 6:10:04 gen. driven вызванный (в составных прилагательных: Anyone with half an eye on the housing market over the last two decades will know that in many countries, not least the United States, it’s become much more difficult to buy a home. The report compared average incomes with average home prices. It found that pandemic-driven demand for homes with outside space, land use policies aimed at limiting urban sprawl, and investors piling into markets had sent prices soaring. -- спрос на жильё с придомовым пространством, вызванный пандемией (cnn.com))
15.06.2024 6:40:24 real.est. home buyer покупатель недвижимости (общий термин, без разграничения на покупателей квартир и частных домов с участками, как принято уточнять в РФ: А new report sums up the feeling of many potential home buyers by creating a category that labels some major cities as “impossibly unaffordable.” Topping the global leaderboard is Hong Kong, the compact Asian financial hub known for its tiny apartments and sky-high rents. Notably, it’s the only Chinese market covered in the report. Both Vancouver and Toronto made the list of the cities that are “impossibly unaffordable.” (cnn.com) • Hong Kong may be the least affordable city worldwide, but potential home buyers may be encouraged to know that it’s not as unaffordable as it once was. (cnn.com))
14.06.2024 11:52:36 gen. worth of на сумму (Thieves stole more than $400,000 worth of gems and watches from the famed luxury jeweler Bulgari, and they entered the store through Rome's elaborate sewer system. (npr.org))
14.06.2024 11:38:41 gen. in all the commotion в спешке (Thieves stole more than $400,000 worth of gems and watches from the famed luxury jeweler Bulgari, and they entered the store through Rome's elaborate sewer system. It took police officers seven minutes to arrive at the scene and another four minutes to enter the barricaded door. That was just enough time for the burglars to retreat, once again, through Rome's complex web of underground sewers. In all the commotion, the group left behind a crowbar. No word yet on whether there are fingerprints on that crowbar, and it is not clear if that might lead to any of the jewels being recovered. (npr.org))
14.06.2024 11:38:41 gen. in all the commotion в суматохе (Thieves stole more than $400,000 worth of gems and watches from the famed luxury jeweler Bulgari, and they entered the store through Rome's elaborate sewer system. It took police officers seven minutes to arrive at the scene and another four minutes to enter the barricaded door. That was just enough time for the burglars to retreat, once again, through Rome's complex web of underground sewers. In all the commotion, the group left behind a crowbar. No word yet on whether there are fingerprints on that crowbar, and it is not clear if that might lead to any of the jewels being recovered. (npr.org))
14.06.2024 11:26:33 hist. gentrification появление поместной буржуазии (как нового класса в истории Англии | Поместный — 1) относящийся к поместью, 2) владеющий поместьем. Примеры употребления: поместное землевладение, поместное дворянство.: The “landed gentry” alluded to in “gentrification” emerged as a new class in England in the late eighteenth century—a group of petit bourgeois possessed of country estates, but lacking the economic clout of the true aristocracy. Ricardo despised the gentry: they acquired land and sat on it, lazily and unproductively. (nplusonemag.com) • They were Protestant, they were local merchants doing quite well for themselves in the area around Glastonbury, and that they bought the property. You could see it as an early example of gentrification. They bought the property at the time admittedly at a knockdown rate, and admittedly the land had been stolen from the Catholic Church by Henry VIII. npr.org)
14.06.2024 11:13:45 cliche. and understandably so что вполне понятно (This is how the story goes: He was entrusted to take some title deeds of properties to Henry VIII as a bribe so the abbot could keep the main monastery, but was prepared to give away some of the lesser properties. Now the title deeds were held and sealed in a pie, and Jack's off to London. But instead of delivering the bribe to Henry VIII, he helps himself to the pie, puts his hand in, pulls out a plum piece of real estate--in this case, a place called Mells Manor--and thinks he's very clever for doing this. Now the Horner family, who incidentally lived in Mells Manor until the 20th century, are quite outraged at this slander of their ancestor and understandably so. npr.org)
14.06.2024 11:13:35 cliche. and understandably so и это вполне понятно (This is how the story goes: He was entrusted to take some title deeds of properties to Henry VIII as a bribe so the abbot could keep the main monastery, but was prepared to give away some of the lesser properties. Now the title deeds were held and sealed in a pie, and Jack's off to London. But instead of delivering the bribe to Henry VIII, he helps himself to the pie, puts his hand in, pulls out a plum piece of real estate--in this case, a place called Mells Manor--and thinks he's very clever for doing this. Now the Horner family, who incidentally lived in Mells Manor until the 20th century, are quite outraged at this slander of their ancestor and understandably so. npr.org)
14.06.2024 11:07:46 gen. where to begin with this? с чего же начать? (приступая к объяснениям: Mr. ROBERTS: (Reading) `Little Jack Horner sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie. He stuck in a thumb and pulled out a plum and said, "What a good boy am I."' Where to begin with this? This is talking about the dissolution of the monasteries, Henry VIII taking property from the Catholic Church. Jack, as we know, is actually called Thomas Horner. npr.org)
14.06.2024 10:39:39 formal it is of the highest importance чрезвычайно важно ("It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
14.06.2024 10:38:17 polite most grateful чрезвычайно признателен
14.06.2024 10:04:14 publ.transp. give up one's seat to a senior уступить место пожилому человеку (on public transit: What I hate about taking SkyTrain is watching young, able-bodied people not give up their seats to seniors.)
14.06.2024 9:08:51 gen. now's the time пришла пора (+ infinitive: "Summer is here. Now's the time to get outside and enjoy that outdoor space you call your own, whether it's a balcony retreat, a backyard oasis or a deck off the dining room." (Mary Beth Roberts))
14.06.2024 3:42:21 cliche. be that as it may как бы там ни было (Well, be that as it may, I'm not about to sign this. • Suggesting that the strange saga of the mystery monoliths is far from over, a third such object has now been found atop a mountain in California. As with the previous pair of found objects, the origin and purpose of the California piece are unknown. Be that as it may, the discovery of a third monolith has, understandably, led to speculation that the objects are part of a some kind of marketing stunt. (coasttocoastam.com) • Be that as it may, with the first formation of 2024 now in the books, additional designs will undoubtedly begin to appear in fields throughout the UK over the weeks and months to come as this year's crop circle season unfolds. (coasttocoastam.com))
14.06.2024 3:36:23 space interstellar visitors космические пришельцы (As for the design itself, it seems to be planetary in nature, featuring a row of five circles of varying size that connects to a larger piece containing three more spheres 'orbiting' around a central circle. Whether formation is a message from interstellar visitors or simply a design that was fairly easy for a group of people to surreptitiously create is a question that speaks to the longstanding debate at the center of the crop circle mystery. (coasttocoastam.com))
14.06.2024 3:36:23 space interstellar visitors пришельцы из космоса (As for the design itself, it seems to be planetary in nature, featuring a row of five circles of varying size that connects to a larger piece containing three more spheres 'orbiting' around a central circle. Whether formation is a message from interstellar visitors or simply a design that was fairly easy for a group of people to surreptitiously create is a question that speaks to the longstanding debate at the center of the crop circle mystery. (coasttocoastam.com))
14.06.2024 3:32:38 trav. local tourist attraction местная достопримечательность (The 18th-century windmill serves as a tourist attraction in the British town of Wilton. -- является местной достопримечательностью)
14.06.2024 3:25:39 gen. is officially underway состоялось официальное открытие (The 2023/2024 ski season is officially underway in Whistler.)
13.06.2024 7:53:47 nautic. haul out of the water вытаскивать из воды (улов, человека за бортом и т.п.: Coincidentally, the crew had just run a “man overboard” safety drill that very morning. In the event of an emergency like this, SeaBus crew members can help haul people out of the water. If needed, life vests can be thrown into the sea to give victims something to grab onto and use as a temporary floatation device. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
13.06.2024 6:26:08 contempt. filthy role грязная роль (As some of us celebrate the Soviet victory over Nazism, let us remember the filthy role of the Canadian state, before, during and after WWII. Prime Minister King, a vicious anti-Semite, was the most pro-appeasement leader in the British Empire, and was fond of Hitler. The Canadian state's interest in WWII was to use the war to whip up nationalism and stamp out Socialist organizing at home, and to defend British imperialism abroad. The Canadian state was happy to take on a founder of the Nazi Party, Otto Strasser, as a political advisor. (Twitter))
13.06.2024 1:34:05 cliche. it doesn't make sense to me непонятно, как такое может быть
13.06.2024 1:34:05 cliche. it doesn't make sense to me не понимаю, в чём тут дело
13.06.2024 1:26:31 bank. send money by e-transfer отправить деньги электронным переводом (также via e-transfer: People in B.C. who are forced to leave their homes due to wildfires will now be eligible to receive $200 per night for accommodation, the province shared Wednesday. The money will be sent to evacuees by e-transfer. (vancouver.citynews.ca))
13.06.2024 1:18:42 gen. avid fisherman заядлый рыболов (A man was fishing Monday with his girlfriend at William Kain Park when he says he spotted something unbelievable. Just two feet away from him, Nathan Miller states he knew it was an alligator when he saw its black bumpy skin. "I’ve fished the lake my entire life and I’m an avid trout fisherman, so I’ve had my fair share of run ins with beavers. This was not that." (local21news.com))
12.06.2024 4:08:34 gen. overlook не обратить внимания на (Billionaire Elon Musk wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he would ban Apple devices at his companies if Apple integrated OpenAI at the OS level. A Vancouver-based X-user commented on Musk's remarks, noting that people might be intrigued by the new features and overlook privacy concerns. (nsnews.com))
12.06.2024 4:06:27 gen. overlook обойти своим вниманием
12.06.2024 4:03:02 gen. a maximum of three максимум три (модель – можно подставлять другие числительные: In all of the scenarios, a maximum of three units could be built on lots subject to wildfire and flood hazards. (nsnews.com))
12.06.2024 4:00:41 disappr. shower down осыпать (деньгами – осыпáть: Federal immigration money is being "showered down" on Ontario and Quebec "at the expense" of Western Canada, B.C. Premier David Eby said Monday. Eby said there are 10,000 people coming to British Columbia every 37 days. Refugees have to stay in homeless shelters and international students don't have support. "I won't put this on anyone else, but I'll say for British Columbia, how frustrated we are to see the money being showered down on Quebec and Ontario, and us scrabbling around for what's left over. It's not acceptable." (cbc.ca))
11.06.2024 10:43:12 gen. adamantly refuse упорно отказываться
11.06.2024 10:41:55 gen. adamantly упорно (adamantly refused -- упорно отказывался)
11.06.2024 10:15:12 gen. one ... each по одному (The 52 victims were of diverse backgrounds. All were UK residents, including exchange students. Thirty two victims were British, while one victim each came from Afghanistan, France, Ghana, Grenada, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Romania, Sri Lanka and Turkey. (Wikipedia))
11.06.2024 9:43:54 gen. prop up содержать (на балансе, поддерживать за счёт субсидий – to give support to something, especially a country or organization, so that it can continue to exist in a difficult situation (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus))
11.06.2024 9:14:52 appr. cooperative не пришлось долго упрашивать (be ~ *удачно переводится в прош. времени*: “It just happened that, that day was our person overboard drill,” said Gregory. SeaBus crews do a drill every weekend, and just hours before the incident, had practiced for this very scenario. “I got my harness on. Gregory moved passengers away,” recalls Erin, adding that the SeaBus passengers were very cooperative, “everyone was really wonderful and gave lots of space.” (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 9:14:41 appr. cooperative не пришлось долго уговаривать (be ~ *удачно переводится в прош. времени*: “It just happened that, that day was our person overboard drill,” said Gregory. SeaBus crews do a drill every weekend, and just hours before the incident, had practiced for this very scenario. “I got my harness on. Gregory moved passengers away,” recalls Erin, adding that the SeaBus passengers were very cooperative, “everyone was really wonderful and gave lots of space.” (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 9:14:52 appr. cooperative не пришлось долго упрашивать (be ~ *удачно переводится в прош. времени*: “It just happened that, that day was our person overboard drill,” said Gregory. SeaBus crews do a drill every weekend, and just hours before the incident, had practiced for this very scenario. “I got my harness on. Gregory moved passengers away,” recalls Erin, adding that the SeaBus passengers were very cooperative, “everyone was really wonderful and gave lots of space.” (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 8:59:40 nautic. put the drills into action применить на практике навыки (полученные на учениях, во время тренировок: SeaBus crews do a drill every weekend, and just hours before the incident, had practiced for this very scenario. The SeaBus is equipped with life rafts and crews are able to drop down a ladder, and pick up any persons in the water. “It feels kind of surreal at first. Then you just remember all the training you do, and everything you practice for and put the drills into action. Luckily, we had a great crew on board that day and we all got into action.” (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 8:47:18 nautic. person overboard drill учения по спасению людей, терпящих бедствие на море (SeaBus Captain April Larson directed the four person crew aboard the Burrard Otter II to prepare for a possible person overboard pick up. SeaBus Attendants Erin Young and Gregory Nicholl didn’t miss a beat and kicked into gear. “It just happened that, that day was our person overboard drill,” said Gregory. SeaBus crews do a drill every weekend, and just hours before the incident, had practiced for this very scenario. (buzzer.translink.ca) • На акватории Красноярского водохранилища в Краснотуранске в преддверии купального сезона прошли масштабные учения. В них участвовали работники краевого учреждения «Спасатель», полицейские и медики. Они отрабатывали совместные действия по спасению людей, терпящих бедствие на воде. (из рус. источников))
11.06.2024 8:50:19 idiom. miss a beat замешкаться (hesitate or falter, especially in demanding circumstances or when making a transition from one activity to another (Oxford Dictionary): SeaBus Captain April Larson directed the four person crew aboard the Burrard Otter II to prepare for a possible person overboard pick up. “Then I made an announcement to the passengers to let them know what we were doing, and heading over to see if we could provide any assistance.” As she turned around the vessel, SeaBus Attendants Erin Young and Gregory Nicholl didn’t miss a beat and kicked into gear. (buzzer.translink.ca) -- не замешкались и приступили к выполнению задания)
11.06.2024 8:51:00 cliche. provide assistance оказать помощь (She directed the four person crew aboard the Burrard Otter II to prepare for a possible person overboard pick up. “Then I made an announcement to the passengers to let them know what we were doing, and heading over to see if we could provide any assistance.” (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 8:18:16 gen. unusual sight необычное зрелище (It was around 12:52 p.m. on a sunny Saturday when SeaBus Captain April Larson noticed an unusual sight. “It looked like a seaplane was floundering in the water. We didn’t hear anything yet on the radio. But it looked like it was in a bad position, so I decided we should go over and see if we could help,” she said. (buzzer.translink.ca))
11.06.2024 3:24:14 cliche. it feels good приятно (Приятно читать такие решения суда. • I think we have all forgotten to be kind and help people out if you can. It feels good to help someone out.)
10.06.2024 11:15:35 cliche. our nation's capital столица нашей Родины
10.06.2024 11:14:32 gen. makes it worth enduring стоит потерпеть ради (I can’t imagine anyone liking Vancouver in January. It rains for weeks. Summer makes it worth enduring.)
10.06.2024 11:03:50 gen. ease off стихнуть (о ветре или дожде)
10.06.2024 11:02:26 gen. fancy footwear стильная обувь
10.06.2024 11:01:49 gen. design style стиль оформления
10.06.2024 11:01:19 gen. creative stimulus стимул для творчества
10.06.2024 10:57:34 gen. ease off стихать (The rain is easing off now. – Дождь стихает.)
10.06.2024 10:45:05 insur. term срок страхования (Term – period of time for which policy is in effect.)
10.06.2024 10:36:55 formal options средства (There are a number of other options we could use.)
10.06.2024 10:32:54 health. practical nurses средний медицинский персонал
10.06.2024 10:31:04 econ. average monthly wage среднемесячный заработок
10.06.2024 8:27:52 gen. too much перебор (That would be too much. -- Это уже будет перебор.)
10.06.2024 8:24:14 surg. perform a surgery выполнить операцию
10.06.2024 8:23:11 surg. perform a surgical procedure выполнить операцию
10.06.2024 6:05:38 gen. forest dwellers лесные жители (Grey squirrels might seem like innocuous forest dwellers, but in Europe and the UK, these animals are considered to be an invasive species and it is actually illegal to introduce them into the wild. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
10.06.2024 6:05:38 gen. forest dwellers обитатели леса (Grey squirrels might seem like innocuous forest dwellers, but in Europe and the UK, these animals are considered to be an invasive species and it is actually illegal to introduce them into the wild. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
10.06.2024 3:18:22 cliche. reportedly как сообщается (Update: A body has reportedly been found in the Lynn Headwaters area by search and rescue teams.)
10.06.2024 3:14:08 gen. it is looking increasingly likely that возрастает вероятность того, что (As things stand, however, it is looking increasingly likely that the premier will address the public on Monday.)
10.06.2024 2:59:42 gen. thicket густые заросли (a dense group of bushes or trees (Oxford Dictionary) – напр., о ягодах: Jennifer from Idaho recounted a fascinating tale from the early 1980s when she and a friend decided to walk down decommissioned railroad tracks to a local lake. About a mile from home, they came upon a clearing with a couple of houses and a raspberry thicket. An older woman, whom they dubbed Mrs. Raspberry, invited them to pick raspberries. After enjoying the berries, they continued to the lake and then headed back home. Later when they returned, they found no trace of houses, raspberry bushes, or Mrs. Raspberry. Jennifer's grandmother confirmed there had been houses there in the 1920s before the railroad was built. Jennifer and her friend may have momentarily stepped into a past era and interacted with someone from that time, Harold suggested. (coasttocoastam.com) -- густые заросли малины)
10.06.2024 2:54:24 railw. decommissioned railroad tracks заброшенная железная дорога (Заброшенная железная дорога (далее — ЗЖД) — железнодорожный путь, который более не используют по прямому назначению. (ru.wikipedia.org) • Jennifer from Idaho recounted a fascinating tale from the early 1980s when she and a friend decided to walk down decommissioned railroad tracks to a local lake. About a mile from home, they came upon a clearing with a couple of houses and a raspberry thicket. An older woman, whom they dubbed Mrs. Raspberry, invited them to pick raspberries. After enjoying the berries, they continued to the lake and then headed back home. Later when they returned, they found no trace of houses, raspberry bushes, or Mrs. Raspberry. Jennifer's grandmother confirmed there had been houses there in the 1920s before the railroad was built. Jennifer and her friend may have momentarily stepped into a past era and interacted with someone from that time, Harold suggested.)
10.06.2024 2:40:12 gen. journal вести учёт (происходящего: Once in New York, Paquette's girlfriend, who later became his wife, insisted the dream had been a warning that helped him avoid a fatal outcome. Despite initially dismissing this, his experiences and frequent prophetic dreams began to challenge his staunch materialist views. Paquette revealed he started journaling his dreams to disprove their prophetic nature. Contrary to his expectations, however, his dreams frequently predicted future events, sometimes with remarkable accuracy. (coasttocoastam.com))
10.06.2024 2:36:48 gen. strong urge настойчивое желание (Upon waking up, Patrick felt a strong urge to call his son who was in one of the Twin Towers at the time and warn him of the danger so clearly shown in his precognitive dream.)
10.06.2024 1:39:36 cliche. good time удачное время ("Is now a good time for a massage?" Not if they are fussy or over-stimulated. • Is now a good time to invest?)
10.06.2024 1:40:24 cliche. good time удачный момент (If you're thinking of selling your home, next year might be a good time. • Is now a good time to invest? • Is this a good time to talk to your dad?)
9.06.2024 8:08:07 nautic. wash up вынести (требует изменения конструкции: A massive rare fish thought to only live in temperate waters in the southern hemisphere has washed up on Oregon’s northern coast, drawing crowds of curious onlookers intrigued by the unusual sight. -- на морской берег вынесло / море вынесло на берег globalnews.ca)
9.06.2024 7:16:19 idiom. stretch one's dollars выгодно приобрести (что-л.: Consumers are looking for ways to stretch their travel dollars by using frequent flyer miles and credit card reward points to pay for flights, cruises and tours.)
9.06.2024 7:15:50 idiom. get more bang for your buck выгодно приобрести (You would get more bang for your buck if you bought insurance from my broker.)
9.06.2024 7:15:20 idiom. give more bang for your buck выгодно обойтись (Switch to this new network, it would give you more bang for your buck.)
9.06.2024 7:11:31 gen. mention of упоминание о (*a countable noun*: Tim in California recalled that after hearing a mention of the military being briefed on Bigfoot, he was curious about it and asked his son, who has military clearance, if this was true. Interestingly, his son confirmed that he was indeed briefed about Bigfoot, but not about UFOs or aliens. Tim said this revelation was unexpected and quite surprising. (coasttocoastam.com) -- услышал, как в передаче упомянули о том, что ...)
9.06.2024 7:01:41 gen. as ... put it по словам (John Constable (1776-1837) was born in a house above this vale. As he put it: "Painting with me is another word for feeling..." (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
9.06.2024 7:01:41 gen. as ... put it как выразился (John Constable (1776-1837) was born in a house above this vale. As he put it: "Painting with me is another word for feeling..." (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
9.06.2024 6:38:18 gen. make special отличать (отличать = составлять отличительный признак, особенность кого-л., чего-л. "Картину отличает оригинальность. Практический ум отличает женщину от мужчины." (Энциклопедический словарь): Swedish scientists have created the world's first 'living computer' that is made out of human brain tissue. It composes of 16 organoids, or clumps of brain cells that were grown in a lab, which send information between each other. They work much like a traditional computer chip – sending and receiving signals through their neurons that act like circuits. But what makes them special is that the living machine uses less energy because living neurons can use over a one million times less energy than the current digital processors currently used. -- Их отличает то, что ... (dailymail.co.uk))
9.06.2024 6:27:45 nautic. divert отклониться от курса (судна: TransLink spokeswoman Tina Lovgreen said in another social media post that the captain of the SeaBus saw the float plane in the water and "quickly diverted to provide assistance, ready to deploy a life raft." Lovgreen added the SeaBus was on scene until the vessel was released by the Canadian Coast Guard, and returned to the terminal. (castanet.net))
9.06.2024 6:27:45 nautic. divert изменить курс (судна: TransLink spokeswoman Tina Lovgreen said in another social media post that the captain of the SeaBus saw the float plane in the water and "quickly diverted to provide assistance, ready to deploy a life raft." Lovgreen added the SeaBus was on scene until the vessel was released by the Canadian Coast Guard, and returned to the terminal. (castanet.net))
9.06.2024 6:25:27 formal utmost priority первейшее значение (в речи официальных лиц: Passenger safety is our utmost priority. -- Мы придаём безопасности пассажиров первейшее значение.)
9.06.2024 3:51:22 gen. give a sense of передавать (размер чего-л., впечатление от чего-л. и т.п.: A massive rare fish thought to only live in temperate waters in the southern hemisphere has washed up on Oregon’s northern coast, drawing crowds of curious onlookers intrigued by the unusual sight. Photos of a person kneeling next to it, plus another of a pickup truck parked alongside it as well, gave a sense of its large scale and size. globalnews.ca)

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