
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 27.860  << | >>

21.09.2024 7:23:41 gen. entertain не давать скучать (Stanley Park always entertains me. A harbour seal battling an octopus, cute baby raccoons begging for food from tourists, Canada geese and goslings, seagulls and sunbathers -- so much to see! -- В Стэнли-парке мне никогда не скучно.)
21.09.2024 6:49:11 brit. smash of a goal потрясающий гол (It's an absolute smash of a goal! • звезда "Манчестер Юнайтед" забил потрясающий гол (из рус. источников))
21.09.2024 6:40:00 formal obtain an advance получить аванс (from)
21.09.2024 6:39:37 gen. get paid in advance получить аванс (Can I get paid in advance? – Можно получить аванс?)
21.09.2024 6:36:04 gen. be a work of international repute получить всемирное признание (One of the best buildings, the Museum of Anthropology, is a work of international repute.)
21.09.2024 6:35:36 univer. obtain a higher education получить высшее образование (Obtaining a complete higher education in the selected specialty)
21.09.2024 6:35:12 univer. graduate with an honours degree получить диплом с отличием (Philip graduated with an honours degree in economics from the University of Manitoba.)
21.09.2024 6:18:24 idiom. at one time or another в какой-то момент своей жизни (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another.)
21.09.2024 6:17:11 gen. at one stage в какой-то момент (I confess that at one stage I just gave up. Frankly, I wanted to die. Then I heard my baby's voice and I thought, "I can't do this. I need to live.")
21.09.2024 6:15:25 busin. bring the total ... to получиться в итоге (All instances of the new figures have been updated as originally requested. The other fixes have also been made, bringing the total time to 5 hours. – в итоге получилось пять часов (времени, затраченного на работу))
21.09.2024 6:15:25 busin. bring the total ... to в итоге получиться (All instances of the new figures have been updated as originally requested. The other fixes have also been made, bringing the total time to 5 hours. – в итоге получилось пять часов (времени, затраченного на работу))
21.09.2024 6:12:09 n.amer. get in the mail получить по почте (I got my ticket in the mail today. – Мне сегодня пришёл по почте билет.)
21.09.2024 6:10:19 formal receive sth. in error получить по ошибке (If you have received this message in error, please call our customer service to be removed from this service.)
21.09.2024 6:07:41 inf. get it behind the ear получить оплеуху
21.09.2024 6:05:50 gen. poorly received by critics получивший нелестные отзывы критиков
21.09.2024 6:05:13 gen. best known for получивший известность в первую очередь благодаря (Takashi Murakami, the "Warhol of Japan", is best known for his pop-art explosions of fantastic shapes and bright colours.)
21.09.2024 6:02:48 law.enf. legally obtained полученный законным путём
21.09.2024 5:59:59 law, contr. rights granted полученные права ("... the rights granted under this Agreement")
21.09.2024 5:37:28 law, copyr. procurement of rights получение прав
21.09.2024 5:35:43 pharm. refill one's prescription получать лекарство по рецепту (дополнительно после первого раза – второй, третий и т.д. (согласно пометке лечащего врача): There are several ways to refill your prescription: In person. Go to the pharmacy where you originally filled your prescription and either wait for it or come back to pick it up at a later time.)
21.09.2024 5:26:44 gen. wave over подозвать (жестом к себе: It was then that Kendall silently waved her superior over to catch a glimpse of this astonishing vehicle, and its ostensibly unearthly occupants, before they disappeared: “(...) When it started to pull away, I realized no one would believe me and I ran and called Mrs. Wilson to come and look. She asked ‘What on earth is that?’ and I said ‘It’s a flying saucer.’” mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.09.2024 5:23:59 notar. by POA по доверенности (Documents Signed by POA : Land registration documents may be signed by a person holding a power of attorney on behalf of another person or company/entity. = Документы, подписанные по доверенности)
21.09.2024 5:13:40 cliche. raise a topic поднять тему (also "the")
21.09.2024 5:00:11 contempt. be a crybaby поднять крик (Why are you being such a cry-baby?)
21.09.2024 4:40:06 affect. sweet little girl милашка (What a sweet little girl! – Какая она миленькая!)
21.09.2024 4:33:26 commer. month-end targets месячный план сбыта (товара)
21.09.2024 4:19:15 disappr. me too victims "менятожки"
21.09.2024 4:16:54 inf. it bugs me that меня раздражает, что (to annoy or worry someone (Cambridge Dictionary))
21.09.2024 3:50:35 idiom. bark up the wrong tree критика не по адресу (to misdirect one's attack, energies, etc. (Collins Dictionary): You are barking up the wrong tree. -- Ваша критика не по адресу.)
21.09.2024 3:43:02 gen. this is not a common issue проблема не носит массового характера («Человек где-то увидел что-то и сделал вывод по всему общественному транспорту? Может, где-то такое и было, но проблема не носит массового характера», – считает он. (из рус. источников))
20.09.2024 9:35:28 gen. in subzero temperatures в мороз (The smugglers took the migrants across the border into North Dakota, in subzero temperatures.)
20.09.2024 9:28:13 gen. group of townspeople группа горожан (Just before 10 A.M., a small group of townspeople started to assemble at the monument.)
20.09.2024 8:53:57 gen. assembled guests собравшиеся гости (Тhe new consul-general told the assembled guests that ... (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:54:18 gen. assembled guests приглашённые (на банкет, приём, церемонию: Тhe new consul-general told the assembled guests that ... (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:51:02 gen. return the medal in protest в знак протеста вернуть награду (... walked into the consulate and returned his medal, in protest. (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:42:53 Russia St. George ribbon георгиевская ленточка (... he was given a St. George ribbon—a symbol of support for the Russian military (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:35:11 idiom. push the message продвигать (какую-л. версию событий:: In the fifties and sixties, officers with the domestic-security service—a predecessor to the P.S.T.—carried out illegal surveillance of former partisans and suspected Communists in South Varanger, and sought to prohibit them from being employed at the mine. The Soviets seized on these divisions, establishing a Norwegian-Soviet Friendship Society and pushing the message that Oslo didn’t care about the north—that the government was merely a tool of officials in Brussels and Washington, D.C. (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:30:23 gen. push hard for настаивать на (о требовании, при переговорах или выработке документа: One certainty, however, is that the benefit will be indexed to inflation, something people with disabilities pushed hard for and Morrice successfully introduced as an amendment in December. (vancouverisawesome.com))
20.09.2024 8:29:48 idiom. be set on настаивать на (+ gerund: Why is the Liberal government so set on building this prison in the midst of a residential neighbourhood? Perhaps because it's an NDP riding?)
20.09.2024 8:33:09 idiom. push the message настаивать (на какой-л. версии событий: In the fifties and sixties, officers with the domestic-security service—a predecessor to the P.S.T.—carried out illegal surveillance of former partisans and suspected Communists in South Varanger, and sought to prohibit them from being employed at the mine. The Soviets seized on these divisions, establishing a Norwegian-Soviet Friendship Society and pushing the message that Oslo didn’t care about the north—that the government was merely a tool of officials in Brussels and Washington, D.C. (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 8:25:01 intell. domestic-security service госбезопасность (как организация: Norway joined NATO as a founding member; the people of South Varanger elected a Communist mayor. In the fifties and sixties, officers with the domestic-security service—a predecessor to the P.S.T.—carried out illegal surveillance of former partisans and suspected Communists in South Varanger, and sought to prohibit them from being employed at the mine. (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 7:48:39 intell. diplomatic cover дипломатическое прикрытие (... where the top official is believed to be a military-intelligence operative serving under diplomatic cover (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 7:40:50 gen. have a particular interest in проявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com))
20.09.2024 7:40:39 gen. take a particular interest in проявить особый интерес к (Prof. Hoffmann has taken a particular interest in the history of the native Sámi people.)
20.09.2024 7:23:27 intell. recruit intelligence sources вербовать агентов для разведывательной деятельности
20.09.2024 7:16:20 idiom. out of synch with несоответствующий (духу, статусу, положению, значению и т.п.: But some of his behavior struck people as out of synch with his role as a priest ... (newyorker.com))
20.09.2024 7:13:40 gen. dignitaries официальные лица (meeting local dignitaries)
20.09.2024 7:01:37 disappr. NIMBY "запретитель" (антоним YIMBY ("уплотнитель"); NIMBY – an acronym for the phrase "not in my back yard", is a characterization of opposition by homeowners to proposed real estate development in their local area, to all forms of densification, and especially to social housing projects and support housing for drug addicts and released criminals.)
20.09.2024 6:49:31 contempt. YIMBY "уплотнитель" (антоним NIMBY ("запретитель") – The YIMBY movement (short for "yes in my back yard") is a pro-housing movement that focuses on encouraging new housing, opposing density limits (such as single-family zoning), and supporting public transportation. (Wikipedia): Typical YIMBY – mostly name calling and not debate. (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 6:43:07 contempt. whack job придурочный (a left-wing whack job think tank)
20.09.2024 6:29:17 disappr. legalized theft узаконенное воровство (15 years here & Vancouver is still the greediest city I’ve ever been in. A friend recently got towed, and we were reminded that you have to pay both the ticket and the towing fee/storage too. I got towed on Granville St after a concert yrs ago because the no parking sign after a certain point was so tiny you couldn’t see it. Busters charged me for a full day of storage, even though it was actually less tran a few hours. It’s basically legalized theft. (Twitter))
20.09.2024 6:11:45 idiom. put a cap on growth ограничить рост (напр., населения: Our inability or unwillingness to put a cap on growth has wrecked Vancouver and turned it into a resort сity that is unsustainable and unfixable. The other day I drove out to Chilliwack and on the way back I marvelled at the number of towers under construction. You have to ask yourself who are all these people and what do they do for a living? Like milk that has gone well past its best by date Vancouver is really starting to smell! (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 5:29:40 gen. fast tracked ускоренными темпами (Fast tracked? In reality that means 3-7 years from now. (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 5:27:11 gen. with the aid of government money с использованием бюджетных средств (There are many parts of Toronto with residential towers that are not 'slums'. Many of these were built with the aid of govt money. This is a simplistic view. (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 4:20:00 sarcast. oh, goodie! замечательно! ("Oh, goodie! The Canadian version of "the Projects" in the USA. And didn't that turn out swell?" "In New York in 1950s they called these the 'projects', everybody who lives there is on welfare, ex-convicts, and during the 1970s entire buildings were controlled by drug dealers." (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 4:20:00 sarcast. oh, goodie! прелестно! ("Oh, goodie! The Canadian version of "the Projects" in the USA. And didn't that turn out swell?" "In New York in 1950s they called these the 'projects', everybody who lives there is on welfare, ex-convicts, and during the 1970s entire buildings were controlled by drug dealers." (vancouversun.com))
20.09.2024 4:03:48 gen. enthuse с увлечением говорить о чём-л. (say sth. that expresses one's eager enjoyment, interest, or approval (Oxford Dictionary) | to express excitement about something or great interest in it (Cambridge Dictionary): "It's a great way to automatically turn on the happy brain chemicals, which will help your whole body work better. It opens you up to creativity," she enthused. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.09.2024 3:56:54 psychother. subconscious desire подсознательное желание (Through practical exercises grounded in scientific research, Taylor aims to help individuals regain control of their lives and align their subconscious desires with their conscious goals. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.09.2024 3:52:06 gen. background опыт работы (in some area: with a background in microbiology and pathogen research)
20.09.2024 3:45:59 proverb living a life isn't as easy as crossing through a field жизнь прожить – не поле перейти (дословный перевод, основанный на фразе "... when he noticed the four-legged mystery critter crossing through a field" -- переходило поле)
20.09.2024 2:45:20 inf. clock зарегистрировать скорость (водителя на трассе, с помощью радара: Delta Police Traffic Unit – This N (=new) driver was clocked going 134km/h in an 80 zone on Hwy 17 (6600 blk) and got impounded. (Reddit) • Радар NK7, установленный на треноге и перевозимый в автомобиле дорожной полиции, зарегистрировал скорость 306 километров в час. (lifebel.com))
20.09.2024 2:38:53 idiom. give sb. a slap on the wrist погладить по головке (give someone a small punishment when a more severe punishment is deserved (Cambridge Dictionary))
20.09.2024 1:02:05 gen. medical медицинского характера (medical advice – советы медицинского характера)
19.09.2024 9:11:56 construct. speed up construction ускорить строительство (*** для Alex_Odeychuk: hasten носит неодобрительный оттенок: The plan, released Wednesday by city staff, is a response to direction from the ABC-majority council to speed up construction of non-market housing by ending the requirement for such developments to go through individual rezonings. (vancouversun.com))
19.09.2024 9:06:57 gen. the intent is целью является (+ infinitive: Vancouver is considering boosting social housing in a notoriously unaffordable market by allowing projects of up to 18 storeys in areas around the city, including many residential side streets, without a time-consuming rezoning process. The intent is to make it easier, faster, and less expensive to build several kinds of non-market housing, including co-ops, apartment buildings operated by non-profit societies with tenants paying a range of rents, and supportive housing for people transitioning out of homelessness. (vancouversun.com))
19.09.2024 8:48:03 cliche. that's the case именно так обстоят дела (где-л., у кого-л. или с чем-л: In recent years Japanese restaurants with lively sushi chefs and varied menus have arrived in the city like a culinary tsunami. A close neighbour, Korean cuisine has also proven popular and in many cases the two styles are offered side by side. That's the case at Shabusen (2993 Granville St), a strikingly decorated, contemporary restaurant in the South Granville area... (Where/Vancouver))
19.09.2024 8:20:38 Canada cash окешить (He cashed the cheque at Money Mart. -- Он окешил чек в Мани-Марте.)
19.09.2024 8:18:12 Canada jarg. cash a cheque окешить чек (обналичить чек)
19.09.2024 8:16:54 bank. cash a cheque получить наличные по чеку (Frank told me he had a problem cashing the 004218 cheque because it wasn't signed. Can you look into that for me?)
19.09.2024 8:14:35 bank. cash a cheque обналичить чек
19.09.2024 8:12:39 bank. deposit a cheque положить чек (на свой счёт в банке, не обналичивая)
19.09.2024 8:00:25 gen. do justice передавать (напр., всей красоты чего-л.; с отрицанием: I have also been staking this rainbow, it's gorgeous! Photos don't do justice at all! • Wow, that’s beautiful! I’m sure the picture didn’t do it justice. -- Фото не передаёт всей красоты.)
19.09.2024 7:47:52 soc.med. get downvoted минусоваться (Why are my comments getting downvoted? -- минусуются)
19.09.2024 7:41:43 drugs in small quantities в малых дозах (Our only focus needs to be on pulling folks out of addiction, not prolonging their inevitable deaths from drug addiction. I have lived long and seen much. I have traveled the world. We are not Europe and applying fixes from other parts of the world does not work here in Canada. We have experienced first hand what happens when you legalize hard drugs even in small quantities. It was a disaster and I believe Vancouver will never recover from the damage done by that social experiment. Can you imagine what society would look like if we supported addicts in recovery by taking care of all of their physical and mental health needs? (Reddit))
19.09.2024 6:37:32 gen. large-scale fraud крупное мошенничество (The audit failed to uncover large-scale fraud. (Sunday Times) • Околовоенные телеграм-каналы напомнили, что в 2018 году арсенал в Торопце презентовал бывший замминистра обороны генерал Дмитрий Булгаков, который в этом году был арестован по подозрению в крупном мошенничестве. (из рус. источников))
19.09.2024 6:02:33 appr. yummiest вкуснее всего (по сравнению с остальными: PNE minidonuts yummiest, local politicians vote – Union of B.C. Municipalities delegates Sept. 18 voted the mini donuts at the Pacific National Exhibition to be the “absolute best” summer fair treat in the province. Hundreds of delegates in an electronic vote said by an overwhelming 71 per cent that the donuts beat out peanuts or cotton candy. (vancouverisawesome.com))
19.09.2024 6:02:33 appr. yummiest самый вкусный (по сравнению с остальными: PNE minidonuts yummiest, local politicians vote – Union of B.C. Municipalities delegates Sept. 18 voted the mini donuts at the Pacific National Exhibition to be the “absolute best” summer fair treat in the province. Hundreds of delegates in an electronic vote said by an overwhelming 71 per cent that the donuts beat out peanuts or cotton candy. (vancouverisawesome.com))
19.09.2024 5:22:02 soc.med. downvote минусовать (чей-л. пост в соцсетях)
19.09.2024 5:21:47 soc.med. downvote заминусовать (чей-л. пост в соцсетях)
18.09.2024 10:05:52 law, court find in violation of признать виновным в нарушении (запрета или правовой нормы)
18.09.2024 10:05:20 law, court find guilty of violating признать виновным в нарушении (a law, an act, etc.)
18.09.2024 9:54:33 intell. elicit information выпытывать информацию (Larsson’s promotion was a reward for his success in eliciting information from these top officials.)
18.09.2024 9:54:33 intell. elicit information выспрашивать информацию (Larsson’s promotion was a reward for his success in eliciting information from these top officials.)
18.09.2024 9:54:33 intell. elicit information выведывать информацию (Larsson’s promotion was a reward for his success in eliciting information from these top officials.)
18.09.2024 9:44:51 idiom. family ties родные (*to* a country, region, city: He had family ties to Russia, and kept going back and forth. (newyorker.com))
18.09.2024 9:37:31 school high-school principal директор школы
18.09.2024 9:33:25 gen. at sb.'s urging по настоянию ((кого-л.): At Dunne’s urging, Michael went to the local “fairy doctor,” Dennis Ganey, for a herbal cure. atlasobscura.com)
18.09.2024 9:30:41 formal at the behest of sb. по настоянию (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): at the behest of the Russian government)
18.09.2024 9:30:26 formal at sb.'s behest по настоянию (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): A special meeting will be held at the senator's behest. (Britannica Dictionary))
18.09.2024 9:28:09 formal at sb.'s behest по настоятельной просьбе (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): A special meeting will be held at the senator's behest. (Britannica Dictionary))
18.09.2024 9:26:43 formal at the behest of sb. по настоятельной просьбе (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): at the behest of the Russian government)
18.09.2024 9:24:53 cliche. at sb.'s behest по приказу (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): at the behest of the Russian government)
18.09.2024 9:28:09 formal at sb.'s behest по настоятельной просьбе (because of being asked or ordered by someone (Britannica Dictionary): A special meeting will be held at the senator's behest. (Britannica Dictionary))
18.09.2024 9:11:18 mil., navy headquarters of the Fleet главная база флота (Severomorsk, a closed military town that serves as headquarters of the Northern Fleet. (newyorker.com) • The locals know well that Sevastopol had always been the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet and not a touristy, beach town with expensive real estate that a series of governors have tried to turn it into. -- Местные хорошо знают, что Севастополь всегда был главной базой Черноморской флота, а не туристическим, пляжным городом с дорогой недвижимостью, в который пытаются превратить его один губернатор за другим.)
18.09.2024 9:02:12 Russia military town военный город (Severomorsk, a closed military town that serves as headquarters of the Northern Fleet. -- закрытый военный город (newyorker.com))
18.09.2024 8:58:13 anim.husb. reindeer-herding оленеводческий (Former K.G.B. officers and their families were suddenly reliant on the good will of a mining and reindeer-herding community in one of Norway’s poorest and least developed districts. (newyorker.com))
18.09.2024 8:49:11 real.est. property земельный участок (According to Altus Group, Greystar acquired the property for $80 million and entered into a leaseback agreement with McDonald's until construction on the development begins. The transaction occurred on November 17, 2023 and BC Assessment values the property at $77,214,100. (storeys.com))
18.09.2024 8:13:31 mil., navy salvage поднять затонувшее судно (One of the Northern Fleet’s submarines had sunk, in 1989, and hadn’t been salvaged; its reactor lay at the bottom of the Norwegian Sea, along with two torpedoes with nuclear warheads, corroding in salt water. (newyorker.com))
18.09.2024 8:08:57 gen. establish trade наладить торговлю (The local mining company employed fifteen hundred people at its peak, but it languished in the eighties, and, with few other economic prospects, the population atrophied. Then the Soviet Union collapsed, opening up the possibility of establishing ties and trade with the nearest city: Murmansk. (newyorker.com) -- возможность наладить связи и торговлю с ближайшим большим городом)
18.09.2024 7:59:32 gen. iron-ore deposit месторождение железной руды (К крупнейшим месторождениям железной руды в России относятся: ........ (из рус. источников) • Kirkenes was originally a company town, built in the early nineteen-hundreds to exploit an iron-ore deposit. (newyorker.com))

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