מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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words to the effect thatמתח
כלל. указание на то, что (The Commons communicate in their message to the Lords that the amendment involves a charge upon public funds or a charge by way of national or local taxation or that it in some other way deals with financial arrangements made by the Commons; and they add words to the effect that the Commons do not offer any ... Where any public advertisement of a reward for the return of any goods which have been stolen or lost uses any words to the effect that no questions will be asked, or that the person producing the goods will be safe from apprehension or inquiry, or that any money paid for the purchase of the goods or advanced by way of ... Alexander Demidov)
указание на (contains words to the effect that "this judgment (or all judgments rendered under this statute) shall be final and conclusive everywhere." Alexander Demidov)