מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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overseaming נמתח
כלל. обметывание срезов (A kind of sewing in which, while the margins of two pieces are seamed together, the thread is also laid over the edges of the pieces, and drawn down in a manner which binds the edges. In over-seaming by hand the needle is passed through the material always from the same side, the thread being laid over the edges at each stitch. In machine overseaming the thread is "looped" over the edges at each stitch. Buttonhole-stitching, where the buttonhole is first cut and then stitched, is a kind of overseaming, though not usually so called. Overseaming is employed in the manufacture of kid gloves, the seaming together of breadths of carpet, etc. See stitch and overhand. Wordnik Alexander Demidov)
.טֶכנו обметывание краёв деталей
.תעשיי обшивка края; обрубка края
обстрочка края швом "зигзаг"; обстрочка перемётанным швом; обшивка края швом "зигзаг"; обшивка края перемётанным швом
: 7 צירופים, 4 נושאים
תעשיית הטקסטיל2