מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא אורתודוקסיה מזרחית המכילים highest | כל הפורומים
High-Procuratorобер-прокурор (Данный английский вариант употребил в своём предисловии переводчика к английскому переводу "Истории Русской Церкви" преподобный Р.У. Блекмор, капеллан Русской компании в Кронштадте (см. Предисловие переводчика в книге по ссылке): And here it would be an act of injustice not to remark, that the greater part of the improvements above alluded to, may be attributed to the fostering care and paternal measures of the truly great Soverign of this Empire; particularly to his judicious choice of that enlightened Nobleman, Count Pratasoff, as High-Procurator of the Most Holy Governing Synod, the duties of which important office he has fulfilled, as far as I have had opportunities of learning, with equal zeal and judgment, to his own honour, and the benefit and satisfaction of the Church. googleusercontent.com Alexander Oshis)