מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים המכילים call the shots | כל הפורומים | בדיוק | לפי סדר מוגדר בלבד
.דִיפּcall all the shotsкомандовать
.דִיפּcall all the shotsзаправлять
.צִיוּcall all the shotsиграть первую скрипку (Viacheslav Volkov)
call the shotуказать точку прицела
.אידיוcall the shotsкомандовать (Sally always wants to call the shots, and Mary doesn't like to be bossed around. Oldbore)
.אידיוcall the shotsзадавать тон (Increasingly in shaping our foreign policy priorities it is the media which calls the shots. bookworm)
.אידיוcall the shotsрешать (This reminded me of a lesson I took away from earlier dealings with Russians: They always know what they want, so you'd better know what you want or they will roll right over you. And in today's Russia, the question is what does Vladimir Putin want, because he calls the shots on anything of consequence. MichaelBurov)
.אידיוcall the shotsуправлять (We would love to know, Mr. Prime Minister, since for all practical purposes your Government still calls the shots on this supposedly autonomous corporation. • Is the military really the power behind the President now? Who really calls the shots?)
.אידיוcall the shotsзаказывать музыку (The Saudis, the Iranians, the Iraqis, they called the shots, they were the ones with the vast stockpiles of oil, not the Americans, where the holes were running dry. Val_Ships)
.אידיוcall the shotsзаправлять (Myanmar's Shan state, which borders both China and Thailand, is the wild wild east. And in many parts of the state, it's well-armed ethnic militias, not Myanmar's military, who call the shots.)
.אידיוcall the shotsвсем заправлять (The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so. Pickman)
.אידיוcall the shotsвсё решать (In today's health care system, insurance companies call the shots. They pick whom they cover and how they cover them. They can cut off your benefits when you need your coverage the most. They are in charge. • The car sales staff can chat away all they like to the man about brake, horsepower and top speeds but it's really the woman who calls the shots. • In the economy, however, it is always big capital that calls the shots.)
.אידיוcall the shotsотвечать (за – on: Who's calling the shots on this project? – Кто отвечает за этот проект? ZolVas)
.אידיוcall the shotsруководить (Sally always wants to call the shots, and Mary doesn't like to be bossed around. MichaelBurov)
.אידיוcall the shotsраспоряжаться (Anglophile)
.אידיוcall the shotsотдавать приказы (Oldbore)
.אידיוcall the shotsбыть главным (Who is calling the shots in this house? 4uzhoj)
.פשוטוcall the shotsсообщать результаты стрельбы (на стрельбище)
.לא רשcall the shotsпринимать на себя руководство
call the shots on projectотвечать за проект (ZolVas)
כלל.while I was taking the call he shot throughпока я говорил по телефону, он исчез
כלל.why do you have to call all the shots?чего ты здесь командуешь?