מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר


קישור 6.03.2007 10:10 
:נושא ההודעה project pipeline...
UUU could develop a project pipeline and XX could assist in short listing AIM candidates.

this is talking about project possibilities between UUU (a bank) and XX (a consultant) ... what the heck is a project pipeline? and what do they mean by short lisitng (RTO???)? and how do i say it in russian? ugh...

Thanks a million!


קישור 6.03.2007 10:27 
project pipeline - это готовящиеся проекты, т.е. проекты, включенные в план реализации

short listing - отбор в короткий список (предварительный отбор кандидатов)


קישור 6.03.2007 10:28 
насколько мне известно, в банковско-кредитно-производтвенном контекте project pipeline означает разбиение предоставляемых кредитных средств на отдельные транши.
график финансирования проекта...


קישור 6.03.2007 10:36 
тут деталь: у нас один проект имеется в виду или несколько?


קישור 6.03.2007 10:40 
Предложу третий вариант:

UUU разработает каналы (связи) по проекту, а XX поможет в составлении окончательного списка кандидатов, допущенных к автоматизированному управлению информацией (AIM).


קישור 6.03.2007 10:56 
Sheyla, не путайте божий дар с яичницей, здесь об Alternative Investment Market

 summertime knives

קישור 6.03.2007 10:59 
четвертый вариант:

UUU разработает общий график реализации проекта


קישור 6.03.2007 11:50 
thanks to all for the suggestions and the interest. this one is killing me. and i cant get ahold of the author :(


קישור 6.03.2007 14:52 
could short listing have anything to do with a reverse take-over (RTO)?


קישור 6.03.2007 14:54 
or is it a cash shell? (i am losing my mind)

nevermind the rto thing


קישור 6.03.2007 14:55 
no, mind it... getting confused now. but pretty sure it is a cash shell

how do you say cash shell in russian?


קישור 6.03.2007 15:22 
dunno what is "cash shell". short listing = shortlisting (and this one is there in the Multitran dictionary and above answers), (making a long list of candidates shorter) sorry if i don't get the point


קישור 6.03.2007 15:24 
but to short list your candidates would make no sense for the kind of deals he wants to do. so i am assuming he means something like shortening the time it takes to get listed. this would mean making cash shells.


קישור 6.03.2007 15:24 
but who knows


קישור 6.03.2007 15:35 
ok, explanation straight from the author

Short listing AIM candidates has a wider meaning.
There could be several companies that seek listing but
do not satisfy AIM requirements. They may also have a
less than compelling investment case.

If UUU takes every company that comes its way, it is
not in the bank's interest as it would create a bad
image. If we short list them properly, have a researh
report, get the investment case spruced up that would
help the listing process. That is a part many banks
are lacking and I would like to help UUU have a
process in place for that.



קישור 6.03.2007 15:36 

А что у Вас означает AIM?


קישור 6.03.2007 15:37 
AIM = Alternative investments market (LSE)


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