מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר


קישור 10.12.2015 16:03 
:נושא ההודעה to exercise any rights under this Agreement to give approval כלל.
Из shareholders' agreement:

With effect from a Transfer Event:

(a) the Defaulting Shareholder and any person to whom Shares have been transferred as contemplated in Clause 19.1(a) shall not be entitled to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company or to exercise any rights under this Agreement to give approval in relation to any actions or decisions by the Company;

не пропущено ли "OR to give approval in relation to any actions or decisions"?


קישור 10.12.2015 18:24 
имхо - нет


קישור 10.12.2015 19:27 
Ну да, я уже разобрался - примерно "осуществлять любые права (любое право) по настоящему Соглашению в отношении одобрения любых действий или решений..."


קישור 10.12.2015 23:40 
Correct. It's legal jargon for:
'to exercise any rights .... to approve actions or decisions taken by the Company'.

Adding 'or' would have changed the meaning.


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