מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר


קישור 23.09.2013 14:55 
:נושא ההודעה дефиниция из Urban Dictionary כלל.
Full Retard

To act 100% retarded with extra no redeeming special quality.


Downey: "Everybody knows you never do a full retard."

Stiller: "What do you mean?"

Downey: "Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Count toothpicks to your cards. Autistic, sure. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon


and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard."


קישור 23.09.2013 15:02 
redeeming special quality - redeeming и special там оба прилагательные.
из МТ:
redeeming прил. в начало
общ. искупающий; компенсирующий;

he charmed the pants off Nixon = he charmed Nixon very very much; Nixon was so charmed that he lost his pants


קישור 23.09.2013 16:38 


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