מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר


קישור 16.10.2007 19:13 
:נושא ההודעה Помогите понять смысл/правильно сформулировать на русском
The C2 Conceptual Model depicted in Figure 4 is elemental or fractal. An enterprise of the complexity necessary to undertake military and civil-military missions will have many concurrent, nested, and even overlapping instances of this elemental model, each one of (or collection of) which may exhibit different Command and Control Approaches. At the enterprise level, the functions associated with command will determine the number and nature of these fractals and the relationships among them. Thus, if we consider Figure 4 to be a view at the enterprise level, then there will be a great many “little Figure 4s” contained in the enterprise view of the behaviors box, or for that matter, the boxes for command and for control. Command at one level determines the conditions under which fractals that are within their purview operate. There will be cases of sovereign fractals in which the fractals are not nested but have peer-to-peer and/or overlapping relationships. In these cases, the functions associated with Command and Control are achieved in a manner different from that of traditionally nested fractals.



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