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מונחים בנושא סביבה (5576 статей)
advokatstanden legal profession (A body of persons whose occupation is concerned with advising clients in matters of law, representing them in court or assisting them through the judicial process, including, in the first instance, lawyers and, by extension, judges, legal assistants and court employees)
aerob behandling aerobic treatment (The introduction of air into sewage so as to provide aerobic biochemical stabilization during a detention period)
aerob prosess aerobic process (A process requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerobiologi aerobiology (The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects)
aerobt forhold aerobic condition (Life common to the majority of animal and plants species requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerodynamisk støy aerodynamic noise (Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a body)
aerosol aerosol (A gaseous suspension of ultramicroscopic particles of a liquid or a solid)
Afrika Africa (The second largest of the continents, on the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic in the west, and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean in the east. The Sahara desert divides the continent unequally into North Africa and Africa south of Sahara. The largest lake is Lake Victoria and the chief rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, and Zambezi. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped)
aggregatutvinning aggregate extraction (Extraction of crushed rock or gravel screened to sizes for use in road surfaces, concretes, or bituminous mixes)
agronomi agronomy (The principles and procedures of soil management and of field crop and special-purpose plant improvement, management, and production)
agronomisk verdi agronomic value (The monetary or material worth at which buyers and sellers agree to do business for agricultural goods and services)
agrosystem agrosystem (Ecosystem dominated by the continuous agricultural intervention of man)
AIDS AIDS (aquired immune deficiency syndrome; The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV-virus manifested by opportunistic infections and/or malignancies, and the mortality rate is very high. The syndrome results from a breakdown of the body's disease-fighting mechanism that leaves it defenceless against infections, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, certain blood infections, candidiasis, invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma or any of over 20 other indicator diseases. No effective treatment is available. A striking feature of AIDS is the wide spectrum and frequency of infections with life-threatening pathogens seldom seen in normal hosts. The illness may begin with insidious signs and symptoms, and the process may be more diffuse than when the same conditions are seen in other immune-compromised patients. Four patterns of disease occur in AIDS patients. The pulmonary pattern, the central nervous system pattern, the gastrointestinal pattern, and the pattern of fever of unknown origin. Most patientswho recover from a given opportunistic infection subsequently either have a relapse or develop a new type of infection. Many patients continue to have a wasting syndrome and experience such infections as oral thrush. Feelings of depression and isolation are common among AIDS patients and can be intensified if health care workers display fear of the syndrome)
åker field (A limited area of land with grass or crops growing on it, which is usually surrounded by fences or closely planted bushes when it is part of a farm)
åkerbruk arable farming (Growing crops as opposed to dairy farming, cattle farming, etc.)
åkerreine headland (farm, A strip of land left at the end of a furrow in a field in order to facilitate the turning of the plough)
akkumulator accumulator (A rechargeable device for storing electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, consisting of one or more separate secondary cells)
akkumulering i kroppsvev accumulation in body tissues
akseptabelt daglig inntak acceptable daily intake (The measurement of the amount of any chemical substance that can be safely consumed by a human being in a day. Calculations are usually based on the maximum level of a substance that can be fed to animals without producing any harmful effects. This is divided by a "safety factor" to allow for the differences between animals and humans and to take account of the variation in human diets)
akseptabelt risikonivå acceptable risk level (Level of risk judged to be outweighed by corresponding benefits or one that is of such a degree that it is considered to pose minimal potential for adverse effects)