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מונחים בנושא חַקלָאוּת (84000 статей)
"3 Phase 1" "3 phase 1"
"3 Phase 1" three phases in one method
"3 Phase 1" tunnel system
"ad us. vet." "for animal treatment only"
"atrojado" "atrojado"
"atrojado" fusty
"bacon"-Hälften bacon sides
"barley wine" barley wine
"Blutverdrängung" absorptive crossing
"Blutverdrängung" accumulation cross breeding
"Bohnenfliege" radish fly
"Bohnenfliege" seed corn maggot
"chocolate malt" chocolate malt
"clawback"-System claw back
"clawback"-System claw-back
"clawback"-System clawback
"crystal malt" crystal malt
"Echtzeit"-Ansatz real-time approach
"Erntevertrag" contract concluded before the harvest
"EWG-sortiertes" Rohholz EEC-classified wood in the rough