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PL sacentos
petr. трубопровод (pipeline)
polím. полиэстер (Yuriy83)
pl. s
med. множественное число
pl s
farmac. Изоэлектрическая точка (is the pH at which a molecule carries no net electrical charge or is electrically neutral in the statistical mean. The standard nomenclature to represent the isoelectric point is pH(I).However, pI is also used. (Wikipedia) wikipedia.org GGR)
pls abbr.
abrev. пожалуйста
inf. пжл (сокращение от "пожалуйста" diyaroschuk)
tec. ПОП
PLS abbr.
comp. лазерный построитель плоскостей (Plane Laser System WiseSnake)
equip. импульсы (PLS/s – импульсов/сек translator911)
estad. проекция на латентные структуры (Wakeful dormouse); метод проекции на латентные структуры (Projection to Latent Structures CRINKUM-CRANKUM); Метод частных наименьших квадратов (partial least squares bix)
mat. частично наименьшие квадраты
red d. подуровень передачи физических сигналов (см. physical signalling sublayer ssn)
tec. система принудительной блокировки (positive locking system Sloneno4eg)
 Inglés tesauro
pls abbr.
abrev., negoc. plates; pleasure; plus
pls. abbr.
abrev., carg. plates
PLS abbr.
abrev. Peninsula Library System; Plant Lover Sam; Pounds Live Seed; Product Launch Solutions; Professional Land Surveyor; Providing Logical Solutions; Personal Library Systems (Hersteller); PhysicaL Signaling; please (в телексах Yuriy83); Pre-Launch Survivability; Programmable Logic Sequencer; pulse
abrev., agric. Pure Live Seed
abrev., astron. personnel launch system
abrev., automóv. pulsating air system
abrev., avia. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands; point level sensor; payload system; plant supply
abrev., bibl., cient. Public Library Services
abrev., burs. Paracelsus Healthcare Corporation
abrev., cienc. partial least squares regression; phases liquides standard; pulser
abrev., defens. phase lock synthesis
abrev., educ. Personalized Learning Strategies
abrev., educ., cient. Personalized Learning System
abrev., electr. passive laser shutter; person locator service; personnel location system; Philips logic system; photoluminescence spectrometer; photoluminescence spectroscopy; photoluminescence surface state spectroscopy; physical layer signaling; physical layer specification; plasma light source; positive logic system; positron lifetime spectrum; programmable light source; programmable logic sequence; pro-logic surround; personal locator system; plasma-wave scatter
abrev., equip. programmable limit switch
abrev., escoc. Palletised Loading System (USA); Personal Location System; Projectile Location System
abrev., espac. payload systems; plasma particle subsystem; preliminary landing site; primary landing site; propellant loading system
abrev., extens. Primary Link Station
abrev., fisiol., med. Primary Lateral Sclerosis
abrev., fís. plasma science (Alex_Odeychuk)
abrev., intern. Please Leave The Scene; Private Labeled Site
abrev., IT Please
abrev., la cr. pineapple leaf silage
abrev., lab.eq. Projection to Latent Structures
abrev., med. Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome; Polydactyly-luxation Syndrome; Preleukemic Syndrome; Pulmonary Leukostasis Syndrome; prostaglandin-like substance
abrev., mil. pillars of logistic support; precision location system
abrev., mil., avia. palletized load system
abrev., miner. pregnant leach solution (используется в технологии цианидного кучного выщелачивания золота; продуктивный раствор выщелачивания drummer)
abrev., mult. file format
abrev., petról. progressive limit states; partial least square; pick-up/lay-down system; pipeline inspection system; positive locking system; production logging stack; production log software
abrev., proc. partial least squares (igisheva)
abrev., red d., IT Physical Layer Switch
abrev., rel. Pure Living Seed
abrev., tec. pipe-laying ship
abrev., transp. Position Location System
mil. palletized load system; patrol locator system; planning and logistics system; prelaunch survivability; promotion list service; pulsed laser system; pulsed light source
tec. physical layer signalling; plasma-wave scattering; platinum-silver; precautions, limitations and set points
telecom., IT Private Line service
PLSE abbr.
abrev., mil. Palletized Loading System; Personnel Locator System; Pre-mobilization Legal Services
mil., abrev. Palletized Loading System (enhanced); Pre-mobilization Legal Services; Personnel Locator System
Pls abbr.
abrev., cienc. plate
: 19 a las frases, 12 temas
Equipo automatizado1
Industria de pulpa y papel3