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gn abbr.acentos
intern. спокойной ночи! (good night Tiny Tony)
GN abbr.
sajal. номинальный диаметр (= nominal size); условный проход (= nominal size)
tec. gross nutrients-сумма
 Inglés tesauro
gn abbr.
abrev. general; good night; grain; guinea; gun; acceleration of gravity, normal
abrev., cienc. galena
cartogr. green
med. gnathion (Natalya Rovina)
gn. abbr.
abrev., carg. guinea
GN abbr.
abrev. Genistron; Good Neighbors; Government Notice; Greg Norman; Ground Network; Guarani
abrev., agric. gross nutrients
abrev., avia. general information, general notes; gross for net
abrev., cienc. gneiss; Gauss-Newton Method
abrev., dep. Gaming Network; Grand National
abrev., electr. gathering network; ground navigation; group name; group network; group number; Gummel number
abrev., ferroc. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company
abrev., fisiol., med. Gradual Numbness
abrev., industr. gastronorm (Стандартные размеры кухонной посуды. Например, GN2/1 = 650 × 530 мм. В переводе, как правило, сохраняется в начальном виде ( http://master-ua.com/userfiles/file/OZTI/OZTI_2014_rus-katalog.pdf). Pashkovsky)
abrev., la cr. gram negative
abrev., lab.eq. Gradient of Nutrients
abrev., med. Gastroenterology Nursing (periodical); Gaze Nystagmus; Glomerulonephritis; Glucose Nitrogen (ratio); Gnotobiote; Graduate Nurse; Gram-negative; Guanine Nucleotide; Geriatric Nursing (periodical); Glomerular Nephritis; glomerulonephritis (Vosoni); gram-negative (harser)
abrev., mil. Grid North; guidance and navigation
abrev., negoc. gone
abrev., náut. Grain (capacity)
abrev., petról. geographic north; ground
abrev., polím. gaseous nitrogen; giganewton
abrev., polít. Guinea
abrev., sist. Guidance Note (Guidance Note GN3 defines the principles of safe practice for users when handling and moving cylinders, provides a basic understanding of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations as relating to gas cylinders and offers specific guidance to managers and their staff in handling cylinders containing compressed, dissolved and liquefied gases at work places. ixtra)
abrev., tec. guide number
industr. global network
mil. geographical north; grid North
tec. Gaussian noise; general notice; generator; grid neutralization
Gn abbr.
abrev. gentamycin; garden
abrev., cienc. greenness
lat. Genesis
: 10 a las frases, 4 temas
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