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LSO abbr.acentos
Gruzovik, mil. ограниченный стратегический выбор (limited strategic option)
 Inglés tesauro
LSO abbr.
abrev. Library Systems Office; Linux Standards Organization (organization, Linux); the London Symphony Orchestra; Law Society of Ontario (Розмари)
abrev., avia. Les Sables, France; landing since overhaul (lexicographer); landing support officer
abrev., burs. Lasmo, P. L. C.
abrev., compuest. lutetium orthosilicate (Yuriy Sokha)
abrev., dep. Lansing Swim Organization
abrev., educ. Learning Support Office
abrev., electr. line stabilized oscillator; local switching office
abrev., escoc. Landing Safety Officer
abrev., espac. Launch Services Office; limiter strategic option
abrev., intern. Local Shared Objects (ВВладимир)
abrev., IT Large Send Offload
abrev., med. Local Serving Office; line scanning ophthalmoscope (harser); Line Scaning Opthalmoscope; Life Systems Officer
abrev., mil. Landing Signal Officer; Laser Safety Officer; Launch Safety Officer; landing safety officer; landing signals officer
abrev., mús. London Symphony Orchestra; Lviv Symphony Orchestra (Yuriy Sokha)
abrev., petról. Lesotho
abrev., profesion. Language Sign-Off (Окончательная вычитка сверстанного документа maximrrrr)
abrev., ópt. laser safety officer
mil. limited strategic option; logistics support office
tec. large solar observatory; learning software organizations