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a las frases
IPD abbr.acentos
banc. проценты, прибыли и дивиденды (interest, profits and dividends)
econ. дефлятор ВНП (dimock)
electr. встроенные пассивные элементы (Integrated Passive Device val123)
med. инвазивная пневмококковая инфекция (invasive pneumococcal disease lytochka)
mil. расстояние между зрачками (interpupillary distance WiseSnake); расстояние между центрами окуляров (WiseSnake); база глаз (WiseSnake)
progr. интегрированная реализация строительных проектов (сокр. "integrated project delivery" Alex_Odeychuk)
 Inglés tesauro
IPD abbr.
abrev. Icon Project Document; Ikon Police Department; Image Per Dollar; Immediate Pigment Darkening; Implicit Price Deflector; Implied Probability of Default; IMU performance data; Inducing The Pleasure Dreams; Information Processing Division; Initial Professional Development; Inline Progression Dimension; Integral Parameter Differences; Intel Product Dealer; Intelligence Planning Document; Intelligence Plans Division (USEUCOM); Intelligence Production Division; Intelligent Printer Data; Intelligent Product Division; Intelligent Products Division; Intelligent Pulse Decoding; Inter Pupilary Distance; Interactive Phase Distortion; International Publishers Direct; Investment Property Databank; individual patient data (Millie)
abrev., avia. illustrated provisioning document; initial provisioning data; integrated product definition; industrial products division; inertial performance data; initial performance provisioning data; initial provisioning document
abrev., bact. Invasive pneumococcal disease (Игорь_2006)
abrev., banc. interest payment date (raf)
abrev., cienc. initial probability distribution; ion percent differences; isotope powered device
abrev., constr. integrated project delivery (ВВладимир)
abrev., electr. image plane digitizer; in-plane pattern distortion; integrated passive device; integration product development; intelligent power device; interactive program directory; internal problem description; inverse pinch ion diode
abrev., escoc. Improved Point Defence; Information-Psychological activity Directorate (Croatia); Initial Production Delivery; Instituto de Pesquina e Desenvolvimento (Institute of research & development (Brazil))
abrev., espac. initial performance data; insertion phase delay; intercept position designator
abrev., hort. Intergenebank potato database (typist)
abrev., med. Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis; Interocular Phase Difference; individual protective device
abrev., mil. Integrated Product Development
abrev., mil., avia. impact prediction data
abrev., port., espac. Institudo de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento
abrev., toxic. Individual Protective Devices (LeKsenia)
abrev., valor. implicit price deflator
abrev., ópt. image photocounting distribution; interpupillary distance
invers. interest, profits and dividends
mil. impact prediction data; improved point defense; individual package delivery; issue priority designator
tec. integrated photomultiplier device
Игорь Миг, abrev., med. In Patient Department
ipd abbr.
abrev., petról. inches per day
IPD: 1 a las frases, 1 temas