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если бы неacentos
gen. but for; except for; only for; save for; aside from (Сomandor); if it wasn't for (if it wasn't for you i would have never experienced this – если бы не ты, я бы такого никогда не испытал Баян); had it not been for (pivoine); if not for (in the absence of (something or someone): without: If not for modern medicine, fewer babies would survive. If not for him, I wouldn't be where I am today. – often used in the phrases if it were not for and if it had not been for: If it were not for your donations, many more children would go hungry. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be where I am today. MWALD Alexander Demidov); unless (As you are aware, the proposed system would charge a base fare for the first five kilometres, then an extra charge for every subsequent kilometre. Transit Corp. says under the proposed distance-based fare structure, 66% of riders wouldn't see their fare increase by more than 15%. Well, they wouldnt do this unless there was a huge increase in revenue. Don't let them fool the public. 15% is a lot. ART Vancouver); save; were it not for; were it not for (1) "Were it not for the gauge of history, I wouldn't know how to measure the emptiness of what now passes for political statement on the television news." – Lewis H. Lapham; 2) There would be no significant interest in this show were it not for its explicit sexual content. ART Vancouver); if it weren't for; if it hadn't been for (And when we are pondering whether to vote or not, because it's raining or we just can't be bothered, think where democracy would be today if it hadn't been for people like him. 4uzhoj); but that (he would have fallen but that I caught him – он упал бы, если бы я его не подхватил); were it not; if it were not for
если бы не
: 122 a las frases, 13 temas
Americano uso2
Citas y aforismos1