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gen. ancient; antique; old; immemorial; early; hoary
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a las frases
древний adj.acentos
gen. ancient; antique; old; immemorial; early; hoary; pristine (В некоторых контекстах, например, "древний и нетронутый цивилизацией лес"); venerable; far-back; old-world; elder; hoar; mossgrown (Interex); far back; old world; prehistoric; primeval (Tiny Tony); primordial (Tiny Tony); crusted; dinosaur (Taras); grandeval; venerable (напр., о традиции Ремедиос_П); centuried (collinsdictionary.com Abysslooker); antient; antiquarian; an old offender; olden
antic. antientry
arcaic. eldest
arquit. archaic
budism. pristine
estud. age-old (Alex_Odeychuk)
fig. spavined ("Large and medium-sized canvases in varying stages of completion covered most of the wall space in the studio, a long, windowless room that was once an auto-body shop, and the floor was a palimpsest of rags, used paper palettes, brushes, spavined art books, … and other debris." – Calvin Tomkins and Dodie Kazanjian, The New Yorker, 10 Apr. 2017 VLZ_58); antiquated (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, inf. very old
ingen. palaeo (I. Havkin); relic (I. Havkin)
lib. avital
makár. aged (о формах цикла эрозии; о породах); as old as Adam; as old as the hills; dead; inveterate
no est. ol' (April May)
poét. of yore (tales of yore – древние предания; great masters of yore – великие мастера древности 4uzhoj)
rel. eval; Ogygian; of yore
subl. of old (alikssepia)
древние adj.
gen. the ancients
colect. antiquity (народы)
"древний" adj.
iron. antique (I am antique. I am over 20 yrs old andreon)
в сложных словах имеет значение древний adj.
gen. archaeo (с греч. корнями)
Древний adj.
nombr. Roma
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: 1 a las frases, 1 temas
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