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gen. immediately valid and effective as at the date and time (Если не брать во внимание вариант перевода "upon", то обычно наш "момент" в английском языке становится "датой" ("from the date"). Однако, если необходимо сделать акцент имеено на "моменте", можно воспользоваться этим вариантом, встретившимся мне в новозеландской справке:: This certificate ... is immediately valid and effective as at the date and time the seal was affixed 4uzhoj); from the date of (Leonid Dzhepko); from when (Alexander Demidov); from the time (Alexander Demidov); from the moment (ABelonogov); ever since (Ever since the beginning of Facebook, all we have ever asked for is a dislike button. I. Havkin); starting upon (The initial commitment to action, starting upon signature in Kyoto, could be relatively modest, pacing upwards depending upon various factors, with a specific ... Alexander Demidov); as of (► at a particular date or time: "The data is correct as of May 13. "This issue may need attention later but, as of now, we are happy with the decision that we have taken. ► ACCOUNTING from a particular date or time: "The tax consequences of this sort of transaction will change as of October 1. CBED Alexander Demidov); upon (Alexander Demidov); since (ssn)
antic. sith (an archaic word for since Interex)
contr.jur. immediately after (The contract shall take effect immediately after being signed by both parties. ART Vancouver)
jur. as from the date of (Elina Semykina); upon and after (this Act shall be in full force and effect immediately upon and after its passage arkansashighways.com Dorian Roman); immediately upon (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык; юр. оборот взят из англ. текста Конвенции о единообразном законе о переводном и простом векселе от 1930 г. Alex_Odeychuk)
negoc. of (The Proprietor shall notify the Publishers within 14 days of receipt of the respective materials lawput); as from (as from the creation of a record – с момента создания записи Krystin)
segur. from the date (Example: ... provided that the life-threatening disease was first diagnosed after 60 (sixty) days from the date of (the) inception of the contract of insurance and before the end of the term of the contract of insurance. (Возможный вариант перевода: … при условии, что опасное для жизни заболевание было впервые диагностировано через 60 дней после (или с момента, или с даты) начала действия договора страхования и до окончания срока действия договора страхования. Пазенко Георгий)
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