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a las frases
MT abbr.acentos
gen. страны-члены (member states; ЕС allag)
abrev. метр (или погонный метр; Даное сокращение порой встречается в иностранных инвойсах. При указании ширины в описании товара означает погонный метр Yuriy83); геомагнитный (Magneto-Telluric shergilov); тонна (MichaelBurov); т (MichaelBurov)
farm. минитаблетки (Alexx B)
geof. магнитотеллурический; магнито-теллуровый (MichaelBurov); магнитотеллуровый (MichaelBurov); магнито-теллурический (MichaelBurov)
gost. ТМ (климатическое исполнение изделий для тропического климата по ГОСТ 15150-69 Sumin)
Gruzovik, automóv. автомобильный транспорт (mechanical transport)
Gruzovik, cient. среднее время (mean time)
Gruzovik, mil. автотранспорт (mechanical transport); военно-автомобильный транспорт (mechanical transport); автотракторный (mechanical-transport); автотранспортный (mechanical-transport); подвижные средства (motor transport, mechanical transport)
ling. терминологическая база данных (в системе SDL TRADOS: аббревиатура Multiterm Alex_Odeychuk)
med. Мегавольтное облучение (Megavolt treatment mik_br); механическая тромбэктомия (mechanical thrombectomy itisnemo)
náut. motor tanker моторный танкер (aptr)
perf. насосно-компрессорные трубы диаметром менее 50 мм (macaroni tubing)
petr. млн. тонн (MichaelBurov); миллионов тонн (MichaelBurov); Magnetic Test Магнитное испытание (xlatoress); магнитопорошковый метод исследования (MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION marysa21); контроль магнитных частиц (Yeldar Azanbayev)
petról. насосно-компрессорные трубы малого диаметра (менее 50 мм); портовая нефтебаза (marine terminal); техник по обслуживанию и ремонту (maintenance technician); средняя наработка (mean time); магнитотеллурический метод (разведки полезных ископаемых)
sajal. magnetic particle testing магнитопорошковая дефектоскопия (pipa1984)
tec. КМ (конус Морзе Yuriy83)
tecn. тип сообщения
Mt abbr.
gen. млн. т (Alexander Demidov)
mil. Мт; мегатонна
perf. горный (mountain); гора (mountain)
mt abbr.
makár. митохондриальный (mitochondrial)
náut. торговое судно (merchant vessel eleneva)
mT abbr.
fís. миллитесла (MyxuH); мТорр (единица давления gavsyatina)
Mt. abbr.
makár. гора (при названиях)
 Inglés tesauro
MT abbr.
abrev. Maltese; Management Team; Margaret Thatcher; Marine Terminal; Metric Tonnes; Metric Tons; Million Tons; Montana; Mother Tongue; Musical Theater; Machine assisted Translation; magnetic tape; mail transfer; mail tray; Maintenance Trainer; Management Of Technology; Mannesmann Tally (gmbh, Hersteller); Marked Text; Marker Type; Master Taxidermist; Master Time; Master Tools; Master Trainer; Mating Type; mean tide; Meaningful Talk; mechanical translation; megaton; Menu Text; Message Transfer / Type; Message Transmission; metal threshold; Metal Treatment; meteorological; Metered Tariff; Metric Tonne; Micro Tubules; Micron Technologies; Mike Trout; Millennium Turkey; Miniature Tube; Mint Tea; missed target; Missile Technology; Mitochondrial Targeting; Mobile Terminal; Mobile Termination (GSM, Mobile-Systems); Modus Tollens; Moluccas Time (+0830, TZ); Money Talks; Monitor Type; Most Troublesome; Mountain Time; Move Tutor; Movement Tracker; Music Trader; mobile terminated; meterological; monetary telephone; manufacturing technician
abrev., automóv. manual transmission; manual transaxle; master tire pressure gauge; mechanical transmission
abrev., avia. Manual Trip (Zealot2002); Mach trim; maintenance training; master tool; manufacturing tolerance; masking template; maximum thermometer; memory tube; mercurial thermometer; minimum thermometer; missile tracker; modular tool; modulation type; monitor technique
abrev., burs. meta trader (сокр. Alex Lilo)
abrev., casp. marine tank (raf)
abrev., cienc. metallothionein; microtubule; mafic tonalite; maritime tropical air mass; medium temperature; mineral turpentine
abrev., com. Manufacturing Technology (см. MANTECH Manufacturing Technology); modern trade (как канал дистрибуции // Е. Тамарченко, 28.04.2017 Евгений Тамарченко); multimodel transport
abrev., compon. medium thickness (igisheva)
abrev., comun. mobile-terminated
abrev., ecol. minimum tillage
abrev., econ. middling tinged
abrev., educ., cient. Mid Term
abrev., el c. multimodal transport
abrev., electr. magic tee; magnetotransistor; maintenance terminal; maintenance tree; manifold technique; marginal testing; maritime terminal; mass transport; master terminal; measurement transducer; measuring transducer; mechanically transferable (connector); memory tracking; mesh topology; message trunking; micro teaching; microtubule polymer; monitor terminal; multimedia terminal; multimedia toolkit; multiple-trapping; multipoint tributary; multitasking; multitrack
abrev., elim. mt maximum torque
abrev., equip. Morse taper
abrev., escoc. Mechanical / Motor Transport; Missile Target; Mobile Target; Moscow Time; Multi-frequency Transducer; Malta (NATO country code); Montana (US state)
abrev., espac. mission time; mission trajectory; mobile transporter; multiplex telemetering
abrev., extens. Message Table
abrev., farm. melatonin
abrev., fisiol. Malignant Tertian fever; Mantoux Test
abrev., fís. magnetotransmission (inplus)
abrev., genét. mitotic time
abrev., geof. magneto-telluric (MichaelBurov); magnetotelluric (MichaelBurov)
abrev., geogr. Montana (Vosoni); ___
abrev., ingen. maximum torque; measuring transformer; medium tension (voltage Yakov)
abrev., instr. measuring tool (igisheva)
abrev., intern. Empty; Multi Threaded
abrev., IT Machine Translation; Magnetic Tape; Mobile Telephone; minitower; message transfer
abrev., lab.eq. Membrane Type
abrev., ley p. Ministry of Transport (igisheva)
abrev., makár. motor transport (Motor transport (MT) refers to the operation and maintenance of a military vehicle fleet (especially trucks), and sometimes to the servicemembers to operate and maintain them. Traditionally, motor transport organizations are responsible for a unit's military trucks and associated equipment, as well as the transport of personnel and material from one place to another. In a unit employing towed artillery, motor transport provides the prime movers. WAD Alexander Demidov)
abrev., marc. Micron Technology
abrev., med. Mammary Tumor; Manual Traction; Maximal Therapy; More Than; Muscles And Tendons; Muscle Test; Medical Technologist; MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (фельдшер-лаборант LEkt); maintenance therapy (Ying); malignant tertian (Ying); malignant tumour (Ying); mammary tumour (Ying); Mantoux test (Ying); Martin-Thayer (Ying); Massage Therapist (Ying); massive transfusion (Ying); Masson's trichrome (Ying); mating type (Ying); medial thalamic (Ying); medial wall thickness (Ying); medical therapy (Ying); membrana tympani tympanic membrane (Ying); mesangial thickening (Ying); metastatic tumour (Ying); metatarsal (Ying); methotrexate (Ying); methyltestosterone (Ying); metoprolol tartrate (Ying); micturation threshold (Ying); middle temporal (Ying); middle turbinate (Ying); mid-trachea (Ying); miliary tuberculosis (Ying); mitochondria (Ying); monotherapy (Ying); more than (Ying); motor time (Ying); mucociliary transport (Ying); Muir-Torre (Ying); multiple trauma (Ying); multitask (Ying); multiple transfusion (Ying); mural thrombus (Ying); murine typhus (Ying); muscle thickness (Ying); muscles and tendons (Ying); musculotendinous (Ying); mutated (Ying); music therapy (Ying); Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Ying); myogenic tone (Ying); Medical Technology; Medical Transcriptionist; Monitor Technician; medical training; membrane tympany (eardrum); microtubules; serum melatonin
abrev., medic. mirror tracking; movement time
abrev., medios. Musical Theatre
abrev., metr. mean temperature (igisheva)
abrev., mil. Metric Ton; Military Technology (qwarty); military technician; ministry team
abrev., mil., avia. machine time
abrev., negoc. matric ton; measurement; measurement ton; mechanized transport; meet; multiple address telegrams; my telex
abrev., perf. meter
abrev., petr. million tonnes
abrev., petról. empty (andrushin); macaroni tubing; magnetite; magnetotellurics; marine terminal; material transfer (andrushin); metric tonne (s serz); di p-isocyanophenyl methane; macaroni temperature; machine tool; magnetic tellurics (magnetotelluric method); magnetic track; magnetic tube; manual test; master timer; mass transfer; merchant tanker; mechanical test; median terminal; medium tenacity; memorandum trade; microwave transmission; middle Tertiary rocks; migration time; million metric tonnes; modified tannin; monoterpenoids; motor torque; mud temperature; mud type; multi-terminal; multi-tester
abrev., polím. magnetic particle test; mean time; medium thermal; medium-tenacity
abrev., polít. Malta
abrev., progr., IT Movable Type
abrev., quím. medium thermal (carbon black)
abrev., red d. Message Type
abrev., sajal. magnetic test; magnetic testing; metric ton (1,102 U.S. tons or 2,205 pounds); metric ton (1.102 U.S. tons or 2,205 pounds); magnetotelluric
abrev., semic. muffin tin
abrev., serv. Maintenance Technician (DBCS); Mechanized Terminal (CFS)
abrev., tec. Military training; missile tracking
abrev., telecom. mobile terminal (напр., мобильный телефон Georgy Moiseenko)
abrev., textil multilateral trade
fisiol. Manual traction
industr. melt-through
marc. Matrix
meteorol. maritime tropical; meteorological office; synoptic surface reports
mil. machine translation; maintenance technician; maintenance time; maintenance trailer; management team; manning table; mechanical technician; mechanical time; mechanical transport; medical treatment; medium tank; medium truck; military tractor; military training; military transport; missile technician; missile test; missile tilt; missile trainer; mission trainer; motor; motor terminal; motor traction; mountain transport; moving target
mil., abrev. motor transport
petr. total net anode mass
quím. Meitnerium
tec. magnetic particle testing; magnetotelluric method; multiple transfer; main telescope; maintenance department; material type; materials test; measured time; melt through; microphotometer trace; military translator; mirror telescope; mitochondrial; mode transducer; mounting
transp. motor tanker
MT. abbr.
abrev., econ. metric ton
abrev., textil middling tinged
Mt abbr.
abrev. mountain
abrev., cienc. meteorology; million ton
lat. Gospel according to St. Matthew
mt abbr.
abrev. transverse mass
abrev., cienc. matildite
abrev., econ. mortgage
abrev., mil. megaton MT
biol. mitochondria
polím. mount
abrev., meteorol. tonne
Mt. abbr.
abrev., cienc. mount; mountain
mt. abbr.
abrev. megaton
abrev., cienc. measurement
MTASCP abbr.
abrev., med. Medical Technologist Certified By The American Society Of Clinical Pathologists
: 168 a las frases, 34 temas
Cables y producción de cables.2
Elaboración de vino2
Inteligencia artificial15
Petróleo y gas3
Tecnología de petróleo y gas1
Término militar20