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TST abbr.
abrev. Thailand Standard Time; Total Story Time; Tactical Support Team; Tactical Surveillance Technology; TALISMAN sold transfer; test; Theater Support Team; transonic transport; temperature sensing transduce
abrev., avia. T-coded standard tool
abrev., burs. Media Logic, Inc.
abrev., cult. The Satanic Temple (igisheva)
abrev., ecol. tuberculin skin testing
abrev., electr. time-space-time; temporary storage table; time segment transformation; time sensitive targeting; time-sharing terminal; transaction step task; transmit schedule table
abrev., extens. Printer test file (WordPerfect for Win)
abrev., fisiol. TectoSpinal Tract; Triceps Skin-fold Thickness
abrev., inmunol. tuberculin skin test (iwona)
abrev., IT Printer test file
abrev., lab.eq. TeSTosterone; Thromboplastin Screening Test
abrev., marc. Transport Service Tilburg
abrev., med. Triceps Skinfold Thickness; Tricipital Skinfold Thickness; Tuberculin Skin Test; Tumor Skin Test; tuberculin skin test ing; treadmill stress test
abrev., medic. total sleep time
abrev., mil. Topside Tank (Interex); tactical support team; terminal support team; theater support team; time-sensitive target; time sensitive target; total station (TS); total station theodolite
abrev., mil., avia. tactical support transport
abrev., nanot. transition state theory
abrev., nombr. Technical Support Team
abrev., petról. formation evaluation test; transgressive system tract; well testing
abrev., polím. tetrastearyl titanate
abrev., quím. torsional stiffness temperature
abrev., quím., cient. Time Steam And Temperature
abrev., transp. Two Seat Tourer
aerop., avia. Trang, Thailand
industr. track sensitive target; trouble-shouting time
mil. test support table; trouble-shooting time
tec. telemetry simulation terminal; television signal tracer; temperature sensing transducer; time sharing teleconferencing
Tst abbr.
abrev. standard temperature
tst abbr.
abrev., petról. testing well
.tst s
extens. Test (file name extension)
TST abbr.
abrev., cienc. track-sensitive target; transgressive system territory
abrev., espac. threshold sampling time; time-space-time switch system
abrev., perf. true strata thickness
abrev., petról. thermal steam treatment; transition-state theory; trouble shooting time; true stratigraphic thickness; tubing string tester
abrev., telecom. time-space-time
TSt abbr.
neurol. terminal stance (neuromuscular.ru dimock)