
Términos sobre el tema General que contienen first refusal right | todas las formas
first right of refusalпреимущественное право (Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusalпреимущественное право (ROFR Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusalпреимущественное право перед другими лицами (Right of first refusal (ROFR or RFR) is a contractual right that gives its holder the option to enter a business transaction with the owner of something, according to specified terms, before the owner is entitled to enter into that transaction with a third party. In brief, the right of first refusal is similar in concept to a call option. An ROFR can cover almost any sort of asset, including real estate, personal property, a patent license, a screenplay, or an interest in a business. It might also cover business transactions that are not strictly assets, such as the right to enter a joint venture or distribution arrangement. In entertainment, a right of first refusal on a concept or a screenplay would give the holder the right to make that movie first. Only if the holder turns it down may the owner then shop it around to other parties (WAD) Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusalприоритетное право (Tanya Gesse)
right of first refusalправо первого выбора (из самоучителя по переводу Фалалеева YGA)
right of first refusalправо преимущественной покупки (a right to acquire existing property in preference to any other person; a right to acquire property newly coming into existence is usually referred to as a pre-emption right Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusalпреимущественное перед другими лицами право (However, Carl holds a right of first refusal to purchase the house. Therefore, before Abe can sell the house to Bo, he must first offer it to Carl for $1 million. WK Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusalпреимущественное право (АД, ROFR)
right of first refusal onпреимущественное право на приобретение (The agreement gave us right of first refusal on all this director's films until 2018. Cambridge Business English Dictionary. The Council will then have eight weeks in which to assess the Right of First Refusal on the property and reply to you confirming if it will a) buy the property, ... | Where a tenant has a right of first refusal on a mixed use property can the qualifying tenants accept the offer regarding only the residential ... Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusal onпреимущественное право покупки (A provision in a contract that permits a party to that contract or another named party to have an opportunity to purchase, use, or otherwise obtain a specified object before it is offered to any other party. 1985, Richard Lourie, First Loyalty, ISBN 9780151312870, p. 258: "Well," said the publisher, "does our last contract with whoever it is that represents Shar give us the right of first refusal on his next book?" WT Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusal onпреимущественное право приобретения (But the tenant does not have the right of first refusal on the flat either. Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusal to enter intoпреимущественное право на заключение (A contractor which has contributed a particular area to the Authority as a reserved area has the right of first refusal to enter into a joint-venture arrangement with ... Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusal to purchaseпреимущественное право покупки (In the event [______] proposes to transfer any Company shares, the Company will have a right of first refusal to purchase the shares on the ... Alexander Demidov)
right of first refusal to purchaseпреимущественное право на покупку (The cost disadvantage to an owner of granting a right of first refusal to purchase a property, instead of committing to auction, may be minimal in the case of ... Renters had a right of first refusal to purchase the property. Alexander Demidov)