
 Inglés tesauro - términos añadidos por el usuario Vosoni: 6.445  << | >>

20.09.2024 9:29:57 abrev. var. variety
11.09.2024 19:21:06 abrev. amperes amps
9.09.2024 22:14:25 abrev. dr dark-red
9.09.2024 22:14:25 abrev. dr debit record
9.09.2024 22:14:22 abrev. med. DR delivery room
9.09.2024 22:14:20 abrev. DR displacement corrector
23.07.2024 17:33:28 abrev. OR operational
2.07.2024 22:19:05 abrev. extens. HA Archive format (HA archiver)
2.07.2024 15:53:55 abrev. ann annals
2.07.2024 15:53:55 extens. Ann Multi volume ARJ archive (ARJ archiver)
22.05.2024 14:49:33 abrev. PIP Programming In Pictures
16.04.2024 2:15:30 geogr. Bah. Bahamas
12.04.2024 16:33:30 abrev. Imp impression
5.04.2024 14:36:38 abrev. extens. AI Vector graphics file (Adobe Illustrator)
21.03.2024 11:17:14 gen. circa c.
18.03.2024 9:36:54 lat. TrA Triangulum Australe (the Southern Triangle, Южный Треугольник)
16.03.2024 19:18:09 abrev. cript. CAST Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares cipher
16.03.2024 19:18:09 abrev. CASTS Composites for Advanced Space and Transportation Systems
16.03.2024 19:18:08 abrev. tec. CAST Capillary Action Shaping Technique
14.03.2024 21:00:28 abrev. trade name TN
29.02.2024 2:32:31 abrev. number nbr
28.02.2024 19:52:14 abrev. intern. Kiss *K*
23.02.2024 18:47:08 abrev. bbls/day barrels per day
14.02.2024 17:54:57 abrev. Summ . summary
5.02.2024 14:26:38 abrev. extens. MOD Modula language source
5.02.2024 14:26:38 abrev. extens. MOD Music format (Amiga module, DMP, ST, MDP, VP)
5.02.2024 14:26:37 abrev. MOD Magneto-Optical Drive
27.01.2024 14:55:07 geogr. Vat. Vatican City
30.11.2023 0:05:50 abrev. med. CAB coronary artery bypass
29.11.2023 17:18:55 abrev. sae stamped addressed envelope
15.11.2023 12:30:07 abrev. requirements reqmts
10.11.2023 13:41:16 abrev. BOP balance of payment
1.11.2023 19:02:30 abrev. cart cartage
23.10.2023 14:50:57 abrev. med. SA sinoatrial
23.10.2023 14:50:51 lat. sa sine anno (without date)
4.10.2023 22:03:41 abrev. educ. ICE Information Centre on Education
4.10.2023 22:03:41 abrev. extens. ICE Archive format
18.09.2023 18:17:00 gen. namely viz.
13.09.2023 22:29:46 abrev. mil. DIA Defence Intelligence Agency
13.09.2023 22:29:46 abrev. dia diagram
23.08.2023 14:14:16 abrev. med. AR aortic regurgitation
9.08.2023 10:12:59 abrev. geogr. Qatar Qat.
7.08.2023 18:24:56 geogr. Barb. Barbados
26.07.2023 22:45:21 abrev. comp. ATA Advanced Technology AT Attachment
10.07.2023 14:51:37 abrev. med. MI myocardial infarction
10.07.2023 14:51:36 abrev. MI Multiple Inheritance
10.07.2023 10:33:52 abrev. dis discount
10.07.2023 10:33:51 abrev. comp. DIS Defence Investigative Service
21.06.2023 11:45:55 abrev. econ. ADV Average Daily Volume
6.06.2023 14:39:53 abrev. tec. MAC Maintenance Analysis Centre
6.06.2023 14:39:53 abrev. extens. MAC Graphic format (MAC Paint)
6.06.2023 14:39:52 abrev. mil. MAC Military Air Command
6.06.2023 14:39:52 abrev. comp. MAC Multiplier-Accumulator
6.06.2023 14:39:52 abrev. comp. MAC Multiply and Accumulate
29.05.2023 12:12:08 abrev. DP difference of potential
19.05.2023 18:04:59 abrev. med. SL sublingual
16.05.2023 11:32:30 abrev. geogr. WA Washington
16.05.2023 9:57:09 abrev. extens. VIC Graphic format (VICAR)
23.04.2023 21:04:08 lat. Cas Cassiopeja (Кассиопея)
23.04.2023 21:04:07 abrev. extens. CAS C + ASM language source (Turbo C)
23.04.2023 21:04:04 abrev. CAS Cast Alloy Steel
16.04.2023 19:33:29 abrev. extens. ADD OS/2 adapter device driver
6.04.2023 1:22:31 abrev. pro process
5.04.2023 19:47:40 abrev. med. carpal tunnel syndrome CTS
4.04.2023 22:58:20 lat. Peg Pegasus (Пегас)
31.03.2023 16:34:00 abrev. astr. CAT Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope
31.03.2023 16:06:04 abrev. extens. BAT Batch file (e.g. autoexec.bat)
26.03.2023 13:47:49 abrev. AID Attention Identification
22.03.2023 22:28:12 abrev. intern. ISO In Search Of
21.03.2023 10:33:20 lat. Sex Sextant (Секстант)
16.03.2023 18:40:31 abrev. comp. CAP Cellular Array Processor
16.03.2023 18:40:31 abrev. cap capital
16.03.2023 18:40:31 abrev. cap fools-cap (paper size)
16.03.2023 18:40:30 lat. Cap Capricornus (the Capricorn, Козерог)
16.03.2023 18:40:30 med. cap capsule
13.03.2023 23:42:48 abrev. med. PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
13.03.2023 23:42:48 abrev. extens. PAT Gravis Ultrasound Patch (Convert (c) Villena)
8.03.2023 10:14:14 abrev. ATLAS Automated Trade Locator Assistance Network
7.03.2023 12:24:05 med. elect electrolyte
23.02.2023 21:57:17 abrev. stanza st.
11.02.2023 3:20:59 geogr. Mor. Morocco
9.02.2023 20:42:29 abrev. electr. SO Small Outline package
9.02.2023 20:42:28 abrev. comp. SO Stack Overflow
22.01.2023 20:33:06 abrev. med. PA posteroanterior
22.01.2023 20:33:06 abrev. med. PA pulmonary artery
22.01.2023 20:33:04 abrev. PA Program Attention
22.01.2023 20:33:02 abrev. PA particular average loss
17.01.2023 1:29:28 gen. Honorable Hon.
16.01.2023 22:36:18 abrev. APT Automated Product Test
16.01.2023 14:12:59 abrev. geogr. America Am. (n)
8.01.2023 20:32:32 abrev. med. LAD left axis deviation
6.01.2023 13:56:04 abrev. med. ACE angiotension-converting enzyme
24.12.2022 20:40:38 abrev. extens. FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module, Farandole)
17.12.2022 18:07:58 abrev. RIB Retrieval Information Block
18.11.2022 13:12:23 abrev. med. AL arterial line
16.11.2022 19:57:06 abrev. benchmark bm
30.10.2022 12:58:19 abrev. comp. FAST Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
29.10.2022 19:54:03 abrev. TO turn over
29.10.2022 19:54:02 abrev. TO transport officer
27.10.2022 17:13:32 abrev. DAME Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor

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