
 Inglés tesauro - términos añadidos por el usuario la_tramontana: 26

21.07.2024 14:18:10 abrev. cuid. HESN Health Electronic Surveillance Network
2.12.2023 16:16:44 abrev. med. BPE background parenchymal enhancement
15.01.2023 19:51:59 abrev. negoc. BPDD Business Partner Due Diligence
19.04.2022 15:27:25 abrev. avia. NPCT nominated person crew training
28.03.2022 18:24:52 abrev. nuev. MNZAS member of the New Zealand Audiological Society
15.02.2022 18:13:51 med. abnormality post-market performance follow-up
20.09.2021 17:14:11 abrev. med. CBF ciliary beat frequency (частота биения ресничек)
20.09.2021 17:12:20 abrev. med. NMCC nasomucociliary clearance
15.05.2021 20:15:13 abrev. radio VNA ARV (analyseur de réseau vectoriel)
28.04.2021 21:53:24 abrev. avic. NCS normal chicken serum
26.04.2021 16:02:18 abrev. estil. EPMS Enterprise Print Management Solutions
25.04.2021 14:33:42 abrev. la cr. PHEV porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus
24.04.2021 21:16:37 abrev. LACDPW Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
25.01.2021 18:16:44 abrev. patent. REP Request for extension of protection
6.12.2020 14:59:04 abrev. polít. ACLED the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project
1.08.2020 22:12:28 gen. NEETs neither in employment, nor in education or training
20.06.2020 16:50:32 abrev. med. IHB irregular heartbeat
14.09.2019 15:37:02 abrev. UNCRC United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (wikipedia.org)
9.09.2019 11:50:46 abrev. med. FPCT flat-panel computed tomography
22.07.2019 17:50:00 abrev. educ. DMRE Diploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology
22.07.2019 17:49:09 abrev. educ. DMRD Diploma in Medical Radio Diagnosis
11.07.2019 22:33:09 abrev. med. GATT gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabeculotomy
18.06.2019 14:33:05 abrev. med. EFTR endoscopic full-thickness resection
21.05.2019 5:47:34 abrev. med. POSTS positive occipital sharp transients of sleep
13.05.2014 11:57:11 abrev. burs. Alternative Bond Market ABM
13.05.2014 10:57:11 abrev. burs. ABM Alternative Bond Market