
 Marina Magill 🖂

enlace 21.04.2006 1:53 
Asunto: grader tubes náut.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
-Grader Tubes
The preloading meeting also covers any other information that is relevant to safe transfer operations. This includes having an unexpired acrylonitrile grader tubes on hand and the antidote kit also called the Lily Kit.

-ship/shore checklist
The ship/shore checklist insures everyone to be able to communicate during the transfer.

-voyage orders
Transfer documentation should consist of the declaration of inspection, voyage orders and the ship/shore check list.

-Run around hoses and UV piping
Run around hoses and UV piping arrangements are acceptable. All lines must be pressurized with nitrogen and soak test check for leaks

-soak test check
All lines must be pressurized with nitrogen and soak test check for leaks.
Заранее спасибо

 tumanov 🖂

enlace 21.04.2006 2:35 
похоже это "трубки газоанализатора" с неистекшим сроком годности.
voyage orders = рейсовое задание


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