
 Death Cap 🖂

enlace 30.03.2010 12:40 
Asunto: Синонимы.
Пропустила занятие и не могу теперь разобраться в этом и перевести.. Все предложения с подвохом, точнее с синонимами, я их вижу в подобрать к ним слова не могу.. Тем более с английским у меня очень туго, (основной корейский).

1. The construction of harbors and sea works offers some of the most unusual problems and challenges in civil war.
2. ‘We must teach you to speak, to read and to write.’ – ‘I know how to talk already’ – I said, a little chagrined. ‘Everybody knows how to talk, but how many truly know how to speak? Talking is a physical ability, speaking is an art. You must learn to know what you want to say, and how best to say it’
3. It would be an even better decision if the president gave them [the secretaries E.K] a mandate to make a good policy rather than politics.
4. ‘Does the family still live there?’ That’s the most frequently asked question at the ticket officers of stately homes open to the public. The visitors is keen to know weather the house, whatever it may lack in stateliness, is still a home, inhabited by the descendants of the people who built it.
5. Is the law profession or a business? Lord Rooker, the government minister, has taken to describing it as a trade. Sounds about right.

"Ложные друзья переводчика" озаглавлено это задание, но я не вижу подвоха.. Да и перевести для меня сложно

1. The latter effect is not so well documented.
2. The growth is complexity has indeed been dramatic.
3. The engineer is intrigued by color television system and circuits.
4. There is considerable debate on the philosophy of how safety standards should be set.
5. When Volvo opens its Americans auto assembly plant in Chesapeake, it will be using revolutionary assembly methods.

Надеюсь на вашу помощь. Заранее большое спасибо.

 Тимурыч 🖂

enlace 30.03.2010 13:14 
Ну для первого задания нужно выявить синонимичные по значению слова:
1. problems - challenges
2. speak- talk - say
и т.д.

Во втором задании нужно переводить подбирая правильные эквиваленты в русском:
1.effect - результат (а не эффект, к примеру)
2.dramatic-быстрый, резкий (а не драматичный)

 SirReal 🖂 moderador

enlace 30.03.2010 14:34 
Текст пестрит ошибками. Это Вы внедрили или текст сам по себе такой?

The growth is (?) complexity has indeed been dramatic.
American_s_ auto assembly
The visitors is keen to know *weather* the house...


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