
 Doubtful.Guest 🖂

enlace 16.11.2009 13:46 
Asunto: Bodie test (run) [испытания авиадвигателей]
Кто нибудь сталкивался с этим? Есть ли русский эквивалент?


a. Initial Stair-Step/Bodie Test Schedule (25-hour).
(1) Increasing Speed Stair-Step Run. This run shall consist of twelve periods of one hour duration each, at equal increasing rotational speed increments between idle speed and maximum rotor speed. In the event significant peak vibration points exist at any conditions between idle and maximum rotational speed, the number of increments chosen may be altered at the option of the Using Service, to increase the amount of running time obtained at the peak vibration points up to an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the total time of the run.
(2) /Bodie Run. This run shall consist of 60 minutes of thrust transients as follows.
(a) Four periods of four minutes at idle thrust position, 30 +/-3 seconds at maximum thrust position.
(b) Three periods, each consisting of three minutes of operation, making a total of nine minutes. Each period shall be run as follows: with the power lever in the idle thrust position, advance toward intermediate thrust, and as soon as the engine reaches the condition of minimum surge margin (i.e., rpm or gas temperature), retard the power lever to the idle thrust position.

В предыдущей редакции стандарта этого термина нет. После долгих поисков нашел только еще в одном документе:

Engine stall checks. Engine stall checks shall be performed from 10,000 feet pressure altitude to military service ceiling in 10,000 foot increments. Five engine stall checks at each altitude
shall be made by performing “bodie” and “reverse bodie” throttle transients at anticipated minimum stall conditions. Prior to these tests, the engine shall be stabilized at the condition(s) that provide
the most adverse engine operating state for engine stall margin’.


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