
 kath 🖂

enlace 2.06.2005 22:51 
Asunto: OFF - transcription/interpreting question
Just looking for an opinion/advice from those with experience in transcribing audio tapes.

The setting: interviews taken from Russian poeple by Americans. There is a native Russian, English interpreter.

I am to transcribe the interviews and translate whatever is left out by the interpreter. It was given to me with the following words "most of it is in english, so not much work". Problem is, the interpreter, while pretty good, misses a lot of nuance and does a lot of adlibbing.

My question: am I to transcribe the intepreter's text without any corrections? Am I to mark where the interpreter is mistaken/off? Am I to correct teh interpreter's English?

Any thoughts? Thanks for the help.

 Truth Seeker 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 4:17 
I am not a foreign language transcriber, nor a voice linguist, nor a translator (щас бить начнут). For what it’s worth, my advice is: take it up with your client.
Also, you may find this interesting: http://www.translatorscafe.com/cafe/MegaBBS/thread-view.asp?threadid=2325&messageid=30638#30638
At least, you may meet other foreign-language transcribers who could give you a more “professional” advice (which is not to say that you will not find any here :-)))))).

 kath 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 5:50 
TS - thanks for the wonderful resource!

 Truth Seeker 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 5:52 
Any time.

 суслик 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 6:41 
It largerly depends on your client's preferences. In this case you work more as an editor, so my advice would be to make corrections.

 justboris 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 7:46 
I side with gopher and TS:
take it to the client. It is up to the client to define your job...

 kath 🖂

enlace 3.06.2005 14:10 
thanks, everyone


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