
 fefe 🖂

enlace 23.11.2007 7:35 
Asunto: clearable, airmarked
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести: clearable, airmarked

В следующем контексте:

The IPBN has been advised to pay you instalmentally, through NATWEST BANK UK PLC starting with the sum of $250,000.00 (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFY THOUSAND US Dollars) strictly by certified cheque , which will be debited from the Government's foriegn account with NatWest bank UK clearable every 3 month after drawn airmarked for payment in the Fourth quarter of 2007.

Заранее спасибо

 Legophil 🖂

enlace 23.11.2007 7:48 


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