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Términos sobre el tema Uso moderno (26 статей)
Same page "All On The Same Page" - to be in agreement with Franka­_LV
beerboarding A controversial process of extracting otherwise-secret information from a friend or co-worker by getting them drunk and thereby loosening their control on their tongue. Franka­_LV
Spooning A horizontal hug where the friends/lovers lie back to chest, and fit into each others nooks. They fit together like spoons. Franka­_LV
politiclone A political pundit or commentator who is unable to think for her/himself. Franka­_LV
fornever A seemingly non-existent period of time Franka­_LV
Chucks A shoe by Converse developed in 1923 by Chuck Taylor. Franka­_LV
elecoustic A term used to describe an electric guitar that is being played without an amplifier, or "unplugged." Franka­_LV
wanna-be A wish or desire to be something different. Franka­_LV
Hoopdie An old car that often breaks down and stalls commuter traffic. Franka­_LV
handy European slang for Cellular Telephone Franka­_LV
Get lit Extremely intoxicated. Franka­_LV
sprung Falling in love with someone to the point that they are constantly on your mind and you cannot live without them Franka­_LV
Laid one on Having gotten drunk. Franka­_LV
Hpnotiq Liquor characterized by its bright blue hue and fruity flavor. Franka­_LV
gigabucks One billion dollars. Franka­_LV
nut huggers Really tight jeans worn by a man Franka­_LV
sXe Straightedge. It has the same basic principle - No drink, No drugs, No sex - for all followers, but each person makes it their own. Straightedge has NOTHING to do with violence (in fact, most straightedgers discourage it) or religion (that's a personal belief) Franka­_LV
Alculate To calculate how cost effective an alcoholic beverage is. Otherwise known as the cost per shot ratio. Franka­_LV
Kick it with To hang out with someone. Franka­_LV
Dip To leave quickly Franka­_LV