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чепуха ncontraintes
génér. nonsense; trifle; balls; apple sauce; ballyhoo; boloney; drivel; humbug; drool; crap; fudge; mush; punk; all my eye and Betty Martin; my foot; bavardage; crud; fiddle-de-dee; havers; jiggery-pokery; Mickey Mouse; skimble-skamble; toys; applesauce; blague; flam; twaddle; oh, rubbish; rubbish; nonsense my good man!; fiddlededee; gallimatia; gallimatias; pulp; dust; snap; blarney (kouznetsoff2007); fiddle de dee; jiggery pokery; skimble skamble; tilly vally; ruck; shenanigan; inanity (scherfas); mumbo jumbo (Taras); fiddlesticks; hogwash; balderdash (bigmaxus); all my eye; poppycock (driven); fun and games (Interex); bosh; crazy talk (Himera); haver; a cock and bull story; dotage; driveling; drivelling; fiddle faddle; glib nonsense; idle talk; idle tricks; impertinence; absurd (dragonsigh)
Игорь Миг nothing burger; load of nonsense; bullshit; minutiae; trinket; nothing-burger
amér. flubdub; pop; poppycock; buncombe; bunkum; schtum (During the code reviews, Matt could see that Pierre's code was a bunch of schtum and would have to be re-written. Solidboss); bushwha (Anglophile); booshwah (Anglophile)
amér., inform. pickle
argot. cobblers; kibosh; rats; tripe; bunk; flannel; chicken; fiddle-faddle; flub-dub; hokum; holly-golly; hop; hully-gully; phedinkus; piffle; radpberry; razzberry; song and dance; spinach; flush it; guff; toss (Thamior); rhubarb (Svetlana D); beans (Come on, talk straight.No more beans! Кончай, говори прямо.Довольно чепухи. Interex); birdseed (Cut the birdseed. I'm not stupid, you know. Коняай пороть чепуху. Я не настолько глуп, ты знаешь. Interex); bull-pucky (That's all just bull-pucky. Don't believe a word of it. Это всё чепуха. Не верь и слову. Interex); fadoodie (Interex); falderal (Stop the falderal and get to work. Хватит молоть чепуху пошли работать. Interex); fluff (Interex); garbage (Interex); gas (Hey, that's about enough of your gas. Эй, достаточно твоей чепухи. Interex); gibber-gabber (Interex); gubbish (Interex); hoo-ha (Stop talking hoo-ha and tell the truth. Прекрати болтать чепуху говори правду. Interex); nurts (Interex); phooey (I've heard enough phooey. Let's get out of here.Я достаточно наслушался чепухи. Уходим отсюда. Interex); fooey (Interex); schmegegge (Interex); schmegeggy (Interex); Jackson (Interex); macca (I'm off for a macca. Interex); crock (Taras); horse hockey (Interex); slobber (Interex); crapola (rubbish Val_Ships); horse puckey (Из кинофильма "Малхолланд драйв" (2001): But what you're telling me is a load of horse puckey – "По-моему, все, что ты мне говоришь, не очень похоже на правду"; "Но ты мне вешаешь лапшу на уши" Mr. Wolf); bologny (MichaelBurov)
austr. borac; borack; borak; borax
austr., argot. codswallop; cowyard confetti; rot
brit. a load of old cobblers (slitely_mad)
dipl., inform. baloney
euph. horse poop (ART Vancouver)
figur. fustian
franç. galimatias
Gruzovik, argot inf. jabber
Gruzovik, inform. a trifle; trivialities; a mere trifle
idiom. nonsense on a stick (Баян)
inform. gobbledygook (Interex); blah; flapdoodle; tommy rot; boshes; heck; claptrap; eyewash (MichaelBurov); buff; gaff; pish posh (joyand); madness (Andrey Truhachev); trifling matter; trifling amount
inform., registr. hooey
irland. codology (sixthson)
jargon. bilge (MichaelBurov)
makar. a farrago of nonsense; a hill of beans; a piece of nonsense; farrago of nonsense; hill of beans; nonsense (часто как восклицание); nonsense my good man!; nonsense my man!; nonsense, man!; piece of nonsense
makar., inform. apple
math. trash
non st. tosh
obsol. fadoodle; bilk; impertinency
peu fr. squish
puér. nonsense (игра soulveig)
vulg. ballex (Belfast version of the English word bollocks Ballistic); bannocks; damn foolishness; doodly squat; hen-piss; load of balls; poo; nuts!
vulg., brit. bollocks (pl); bollocks
чепуха! n
génér. fiddle-de-dee (восклицание); fiddle-faddle; bosh; rats; fiddle-faddles; not worth shucks!; pooh; stuff and nonsense!; fiddlesticks; that's bullshit! (Andrey Truhachev); fiddledeedee (joyand); flush it
argot. fudge
makar. all my eye (and Betty Martin)
non st. tosh
obsol. tilly-vally
"Чепуха!" n
naut. tell it to the horse-marines!; tell it to the marines!; tell that to the horse-marines!; tell that to the marines!
Чепуха! n
génér. Ridiculous! (Азери)
чепуха на постном масле! n
Игорь Миг bullshit!
чепуха: 233 phrases, 23 sujets
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Britannique usage, pas orthographe1
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