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сносный adj.contraintes
génér. tolerable; bearable; passable; liveable; middling (о здоровье); reasonable; respectable; fairish; sufferable; supportable; viewable; endurable; livable; decentish (Anglophile); tol lol; so-so; all very well; gey; okayish (ad_notam); tenable (coltuclu); serviceable (driven); livable-with (adivinanza); okay ("How was the show?' 'Oh, it was okay. The band not too bad either." ART Vancouver); goodish; sustainable; unpainful; possible
Игорь Миг good enough; underwhelming
austr., argot. not half bad
brit. none so dusty (Anglophile)
dipl. fair
Gruzovik, inform. fairly good
Gruzovik, obsol. strong
idiom. halfway decent (Interex)
inform. tol-lol
obsol. indurable; patible; portable; portative
obsol., dial. strong
сносно adj.
Gruzovik pretty fair
génér. fairly; middling; fairish; so-so; not so dusty; fair to middling (Anglophile); so so; serviceable (driven); bearably; sufferably; decently (kanareika); tolerably; tolerably (и т.п.)
Игорь Миг so far, so good; fairly well; quite well; rather well
inform. tolerably well
Игорь Миг, inform. passably
: 37 phrases, 4 sujets