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génér. file (The client number shown on the front of this document is your personal identification number. This number provides access to the information on your file. – доступ к информации в Вашем личном деле ART Vancouver)
entr. personal file (в отделе кадров)
gestion. personnel file; permanent record (амер. Kvitung); official status file; personal file; employment file (сотрудников Harry Johnson); personal data file (Taras); personnel jacket (Val_Ships); personal record; privacy; private affair; private business; private matter; individual's record file; personal history; personal card; basic record; profile (patetlao); personal data sheet ("личный листок по учёту кадров" dimock); individual's record file (сотрудника); personal records; cumulative record (A written parental consent must be obtained prior to placement and kept on file in the student's cumulative record. 4uzhoj)
gestion., éduc. educational record (в школе или институте // Any information about a student that is kept by the University is part of the student's educational record, which includes a student's discipline record. These records are confidential and in most cases, the student's permission is needed in order for the record to be released. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, ordre;forces. dossier
inform. personal business; none of someone else's business (Now I've gotten to the point where I feel like if something about me is none of someone else's business, I don't give a damn about their opinion. 4uzhoj); nobody's business but one's own (When it comes to who I'm attracted to and who I decide to become involved with, it's nobody's business but my own. 4uzhoj)
milit. staff returns; personnel file (военнослужащего); personnel record; record; personal file (военнослужащего)
médias. cabinet (сотрудника); case (сотрудника)
ordre;forces. identification record (esp. criminal SAKHstasia); record jacket (картотечное Alex_Odeychuk)
polit. vetting file (a "vetting file" is a collection of documents and information used to assess someone's suitability for a specific role, position, or activity. It's a thorough background check, often more in-depth than a typical one, aiming to uncover any potential risks or discrepancies. Contains personal information, financial records, legal history, security clearances, character references, and potentially other relevant information like medical records or psychological evaluations Taras)
ress. white list (Records of good behavior are incorporated in the White List File. Sandor)
личные дела
milit., aviat. personal affairs
obsol. selfaffairs
лично дело
génér. personal file
чьё-л. личное дело
génér. one's own business
 Russe glossaire
личное дело
л.д. (Лорина)
личное дело
: 144 phrases, 17 sujets
Armes de destruction massive1
Médecine aéronautique1
Ressources humaines1
Systèmes de sécurité1