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встревоженный adj.contraintes
génér. alarmed; harassed; overanxious; overeager; uptight; distracted; upset; be exercised about (mascot); overeager (и т.п.); scarey; scary; unquiet; anxious; uneasy; ruffled (Ant493); apprehensive (ad_notam); hot and bothered (She's Helen); concerned; perplexed; apprehensive (apprehensive for her health • I was apprehensive that something would go wrong vogeler); dismayed (upset, worried, or agitated because of some unwelcome situation or occurrence (Merriam-Webster): In my condo, we have a common roof deck and no, people do not "mingle". If anything, strata constantly gets complaints that they booked the small BBQ area up there and that "others" using the common areas were invading their space. In other words, they booked a small area and think they have the whole roof to themselves and are dismayed to even visually have to look at others, let alone hear them. (Reddit) -- их выводит из равновесия уже то, что им приходится смотреть на соседей, уже не говоря о том, чтобы слышать их ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг overwrought; troubled; angst-ridden
argot. up tight
figur. stirred (A few hours later, the soldiers at the nearby Knook Camp army base were awoken by what sounded like "a huge chimney stack from the main block ... ripped from the rooftop, then scattered ... across the whole camp." At 6:30 a.m., Roger Rump and his wife were stirred by a similar noise. They described it as sounding like "the 5000 tiles on our roof being ripped off and then put back on again with an enormous clatter." – были встревожены mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
inform. concerned (worried: concerned citizens Val_Ships)
non st. clutched; clutchy
offic. distressed (suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain – "I was distressed at the news of his death" (Oxford Dictionary): The incident was so traumatic for the college student that she actually drove to a nearby Bob Evans restaurant and phoned her family in tears. The woman recounted the sighting to them and requested that they come and pick her up, because she was too distressed to drive her own car home. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
psych. vexed
écoss. afeart (КГА)
встревожить v
Gruzovik cause anxiety to; worry; disturb; alarm; harass; trouble
génér. start; startle; alarm; disturb; disrupt; discompose; dismay; perturb; perturbate; jolt; bring matters to a head (trinity-hf)
Игорь Миг unnerve
financ. rattle (situation rattles global markets IrinaPol)
inform. put about
makar. alarm (someone – кого-либо)
встревожиться v
Gruzovik become anxious (pf of тревожиться); become worried; get nervous (pf of тревожиться); be anxious (pf of тревожиться); be uneasy (pf of тревожиться); be alarmed (pf of тревожиться)
génér. take alarm; get oneself into a tizzy; grow suspicious (q3mi4); feel alarm (ssn); get in a flap; get into a flap; become alarmed ("At twelve o'clock Barrymore, finding the hall door still open, became alarmed, and, lighting a lantern, went in search of his master." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver); become worried; grow alarmed
amér. throw a fit
idiom. get worked up (Ant493)
makar. work oneself into a tizzy
makar., nouv., austr. do one's block
встревоженно adj.
Gruzovik alarmingly
génér. distractedly; worriedly (Avrile); anxiously; discomposedly; aggrievedly; uneasily (He said uneasily: 'What's that devil up to now?' Abysslooker)
: 47 phrases, 4 sujets
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