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logistics supportcontraintes
astr. материально-техническое обеспечение (МТО)
logist. материально-техническое обеспечение
milit. МТО; тыловое обеспечение; средства МТО
milit., aviat. логистическое обеспечение
logistic support
affair. тыловое обеспечение войск (сил)
constr. материально-техническое обеспечение (напр., строительства)
dipl. материально-техническое обеспечение (МТО)
gest. материально-техническое снабжение (Dashout)
Gruzovik, milit. боевое обеспечение
logist. логистическая поддержка (ssn)
milit. материальное обеспечение; МТО; тыловое обеспечение; тыловая поддержка (dimock)
médias. техническое обслуживание
sakh. Группа материально-технического обеспечения и логистики (ALG, В составе Проектного директората Sakhalin Energy)
Logistics Support
sakh. логистическая поддержка (su)
 Anglais glossaire
logistic support
milit. Measures and procedures aimed at meeting the needs of forces for material, transport, food, clothing and other requisites in order to maintain their combat readiness and to enable them to carry out their assigned missions and routine duties. It is one of the forms of support for military or combat operations and includes supply, transport, airfield engineer and technical support services, medical and veterinary services, consumables, billeting and financial services
milit., logist. Capabilities, functions, activities and essential tasks necessary to ensure the support of all the forces' elements in a theater at all the levels of war. In the national theater logistic systems, logistic support comprises -but is not limited to - the support provided by the armed forces regarding administration, chaplains, civil affairs, finances, legal services, supplies, maintenance, transportation, health, construction, procurement and appropriation of buildings, infrastructure and engineers, the technical topographical and geodesic services, catering, graves registration, laundering, dry-cleaning, baths, the appropriation of buildings and other services for the benefit of the aviation and the ground combat troops in order to help these units carry out their combat missions. Combat support covers all activities, at al levels of war, ensuring the preservation of the power of all battlefield exploitation forces. 2. Logistic system implemented for the benefit of a force, task force or unit, providing it with the assets and services permitting to preserve its operational capability and autonomy at a level determined by the commander. 3. In terms of maintenance: all assets, procedures and services aimed at ensuring the availability of an item of equipment during its life cycle, taking into account the employment conditions. (FRA)
états. Support that encompasses the logistic services, materiel, and transportation required to support the continental United States-based and worldwide deployed forces (JP 4-0)
Logistics Support
abrév., milit., comm. LS
logistics support
: 285 phrases, 21 sujets
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