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PSI [(p)saɪ] abbr.contraintes
douan. осмотр перед отправкой (Andy)
financ. Инструменты для поддержки экономической политики (Policy Support Instruments. IMF: The PSI is designed to address the needs of low-income members that may not need, or want, Fund financial assistance, but seek Fund advice, monitoring and endorsement of their economic policies. mym0use)
géoph. временная инверсия до суммирования (MichaelBurov); обращение до суммирования (MichaelBurov)
médic. индекс тяжести пневмонии (Vicci); индекс физиологической стабильности (сокр. от "Physiology stability index" Alex_Odeychuk)
progr. программно-зависимая информация (сокр. от Program Specific Information; см. ГОСТ Р 54456-2011 ssn)
pétr. давление в фунтах на квадратный дюйм
ress. директор завода (Plant Superintendant Ася Кудрявцева); технический директор (Ася Кудрявцева)
transport. контроль товара перед или во время его погрузки (pre-shipment inspection Yuriy83)
psi [(p)saɪ] abbr.
génér. парапсихологические явления (телепатия, экстрасенсорное восприятие, ясновидение); фунт-сила/дюйм² (translatorscafe.com Ralana)
astr. фунт на квадратный дюйм
autom. фунт на квадратный дюйм 0, 07 кг / см2
bien. фунт / кв. дюйм
biot. пси (единица давления равная 6894,757 Па)
forag. давление в фунтах на квадратный дюйм (pounds per square inch)
пси (23-я буква греческого алфавита)
makar. pounds per square inch единица давления, равная 6894, 757 Па
milit. фунтов на квадратный дюйм
techn. единица давления, равная 6894
électr. пси (буква греческого алфавита, Ψ, ψ)
PSI pre-service inspection [(p)saɪ] abbr.
énerg. ПЭК предэксплуатационный контроль (natty0208)
Psi [(p)saɪ] abbr.
sakh. фунтов на кв. дюйм (давление водного столба, pounds per square inch)
 Anglais glossaire
PSI [(p)saɪ] abbr.
abrév. Packetnet System Interface (Vosoni); Pain Spasm And Inflammation; Peer Search Infrastructure; Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland; Pneumonia Severity Index (индекс тяжести пневмонии Vicci); population stability index (Mag A); Provider Of Statistical Information; Published Subject Indicator (XTM); psychic phenomenon; protosynthex index; pound-force per square inch; Pacific Semiconductors, Inc.; Paper Stock Institute of America; Physical Studies, Inc.
abrév., angl. permanent staff instructor
abrév., autom. pressure safety information
abrév., aviat. physical studies Inc; plane speed indicator; pounds-force per square inch; pressurized sphere injector; product safety investigation; procurement source inspection; project security instruction
abrév., biot. Protein Structure Initiative (Altuntash)
abrév., casp. process safety information (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrév., chir. Patient Specific Instruments (uar)
abrév., constr. Pipeline Seal and Insulator (ВВладимир)
abrév., entr. paid service indications
abrév., espac. phase-selective indicator; pollution standard index; preprogrammed self instruction; pressure sensitive instrument
abrév., financ. Policy Support Instrument; private sector involvement
abrév., géoph. pre-stack inversion (MichaelBurov)
abrév., informat. program specific information
abrév., intell. Personal Sequential Inference
abrév., logist. preshipment inspection (Ying)
abrév., marq. Performance Systems International
abrév., micr. Phase Shifting Interferometry (InessaS)
abrév., milit. Pounds per Square Inch; personnel security investigation
abrév., milit., aviat. Pacific Semiconductors, Incorporated
abrév., médic. Patient Safety International; Patient Safety Indicators (CubaLibra); patient specific implant (harser); post-systolic strain index (harser); Paul Scherrer Institute (bizlex); Physiology stability index (ParanoIDioteque); Physical Sport Instructor; posterior sagittal index
abrév., nations. Proliferation Security Initiative
abrév., ordin. Panda Software International (Щапов Андрей)
abrév., phys. Pain, Spasm, and Inflammation; Pre-Sensory Intuition
abrév., phys., scient. Pound Per Square Inch
abrév., plast. polymethylphenyl siloxane
abrév., polym. pounds per square inch
abrév., prod. proliferation signal inhibitor (ингибитор сигнала пролиферации kat_j)
abrév., progr. Program Specific Information (ssn); program-specific information (ssn)
abrév., pétr. pressure-sensing instrument; stress function; profit sharing interest; pollution standards index; prestack imaging; product support instruction
abrév., sakh. pre-stack imaging (Shell term); Pipeline service
abrév., science d. plasma surface interaction
abrév., sciences. Pakistan Standards Institution; point sources of influence; pollutant standards index
abrév., sécur. Public sector information (Andrey250780)
abrév., techn. per square inch; plan-speed indicator
abrév., écon. paid service indication
abrév., écoss. Pathfinder Systems Inc. (USA); Permanent Staff Instructor (UK); Photon Science Instruments (France)
abrév., électr. packet switching interface; PC Software Inc.; Performance Systems International, Inc.; peripheral subsystem interface; personal security identifier; phase shift interferometer; phase shift interferometry; photomask self-interference; primary storage interface; process sequence integration; programmable serial interface; program software interface
abrév., énergie;industr. practical scaling index (lxu5)
abrév., équip. Pseudo-Stereo Imaging
milit., abrév. personalized system of instruction; problem-solving information; product support instructions; production stock item; program status information; publications standing instruction
météor., abrév. plan shear indicator
techn., abrév. Pre-shipment inspection; plan speed indicator; preservice inspection; prioritization of safety issues
énergie;industr. pre-service inspection
énergie;industr., abrév. process safety information
psi [(p)saɪ] abbr.
abrév. pounds per square inch (pressure)
autom. pound per square inch
PSi [(p)saɪ] abbr.
abrév., électr. polycrystalline silicon; porous silicon
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets