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Ns abbr.
abrév. nimbo-stratus
abrév., sciences. nepheline syenite
ns abbr.
génér. ns
abrév., électr. nanosecond
polym. number of stacks (multiple layers with the same repeated sequence that is symmetric about the midplane bonly); stacking sequence (bonly)
ns. abbr.
abrév., écon. not specified
NS abbr.
abrév. National Security; North And South; North South; Not Submitted; Not Sure; Na Silicate; Name Space; Nano Second; Nano Seconds; National Socialism; National special (thread); national standard; National Steel Corporation; NATO secret; NATO standard; NATO surveillance; Naval School; Navigation Subsystems; NAVSHIPS publication; near side; Nearby Star; Network Series; Network Server; nanosecond (1ns= 10⁻⁹s); Nippon Shikiso Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Norske Standard; Nova Scotia; New Style; Newspaper Society; Newsweek (daily, USA); Nice And Simple; Nice Simple; Nice Smart; nickel steel; No Shit; No Shoot; No Shunt; No Skirt; No Swap; Node Switches; Noisy Sucker; Non Sale; Non Scheduled; Non Sequitur; Non Smoker; Non Submitted; Non Supervisory; Non Symmetric; nonscheduled; nonstandard; Norfolk Southern Railway Company; North Sea; nuclear ship; nuclear systems; Nuclear Ship
abrév., allait. Nurses Station; Nursing Student
abrév., angl. nursing sister
abrév., astr., scient. Neutron Star
abrév., autom. navigation system
abrév., aviat. nacelle station; navigational system; national special thread; no smoking; noise standard; non symmetry; normal spin; normal stall; nose section
abrév., banc. not sufficient funds (Yuriy83)
abrév., chim., scient. Not Significant
abrév., entr. no specimen; none in stock; no-show
abrév., espac. narrow scan; national shopping; nichrome steel; noise source; noise suppressor
abrév., extens. Network Supervisor; Non Stop
abrév., footb. not started (Alex_Odeychuk)
abrév., géogr. Nova Scotia (провинция в Канаде Гера)
abrév., industr. national sovereignty; nylon strap
abrév., informat. National Semiconductor; Next Step; Not Shown; Not Supported
abrév., ingén. number of secondary turns
abrév., milit. Network Services; Non Standard; Not Specified; nuclear survivability
abrév., médias. No Show
abrév., médic. Nasospinale; Nephrotic Syndrome; No Show, Nonspecific; Netherton Syndrome; Neurological Surgery, Neurosurgery; Nodular Sclerosis (classical Hodgkin Lymphoma); Nonserrated Cells (type Of Basal Epidermal Cells); Noonan Syndrome; normal saline; Nutrition Society; normal saline (Vosoni); nephrosclerosis; nervous system; neurologic survey; nonspecific; nonstutterer; normal saliva; normal serum; no side ports; no added sugar; not seen; number of developing symptoms; Nursing Service; no sequelae; nylon suture; nephrosis
abrév., métall. notch strength
abrév., nom d. Normal saline solution 0.9% sodium chloride
abrév., phys. Non-Specific
abrév., phys., médic. Non Specific
abrév., polit. Suriname
abrév., polym. natural synthetic; new series; nonstaining; not specified; not sufficient
abrév., progr. network service (ssn)
abrév., progr., informat. Natural Selection
abrév., pétr. no show (andrushin); not shot; American National Special Thread; natural surfactant; near surface; net sand; net saving; no sample; no survey; non-staining; nonionic surfactant; normal system; Norsk Standard; north-south; not sought; not stable; not shoot (shot); number of sample
abrév., radio. nimbostratus (Leonid Dzhepko)
abrév., rech. not stated (capricolya)
abrév., réseaux. Name Services; Nonsharable; neighbor solicitation
abrév., réseaux., informat. Name Server; Network Simulator
abrév., science d. neutron scattering
abrév., sciences. Natural Sciences Department (UNESCO); Navigation Society; Navigation Society (China); Norway Standard; Northern and Southern Hemisphere; Number of State Variables
abrév., scient. Natural Science
abrév., transp. N. V. Nederlandse Spoorwegen
abrév., téléc. night service
abrév., écon. not in stock
abrév., éduc. natural sciences and engineering (oxana135)
abrév., éduc., scient. Not Satisfactory
abrév., électr. National Semiconductor Corp.; national system; naval station; near shot; nested structure; network security; network station; network switch; network subsystem; network synchronization; network system; Nippon Standard; node store; noise sensitivity; noise shaping; nonsequenced; nonsingularity; non-standard; normalized spectrum; not-specified; nuclear system
abrév., élevag. natural service
milit. national service; naval ship; naval shipyard; night sight; not stocked; nuclear submarine; nuclear support
médic. nephrotic syndrome (Chita)
phys. Normal saline (ie 09% NaCl)
phys., médic. Nerves; Neurosurgery
pétr. non-contaminated sewer
pétr., abrév. no shot
techn. name service; navigation satellite; new signal; new system; no shows; noncompetitive system; nonseismic; normally shut; not signed; nuclear shuttle; nuclear society
énergie;industr. near-site; neutron source; new source; nuclear safety; nuclear science; numerical simulation
Ns abbr.
abrév. newton second (thrust)
abrév., milit., aviat. nielsbohrium
NS# abbr.
abrév., serv. No Such Number (return to sender)