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Termes pour sujet Cliché/convention contenant в смысле | Toutes les formes
в более широком смыслеin a broader sense (ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?what do you mean by that? (ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?in what way? ("This is something new," she said slowly. "Something quite new." "In what way?" (Raymond Chandler ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?what do you mean? (ART Vancouver)
в некотором смысле вам повезлоin a way you are lucky
какой смысл в ...?what is the point of a ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. (an online comment) ART Vancouver)