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Termes pour sujet Général contenant остаток денежных средств | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
неиспользованный остаток денежных средствunexpended funds (Alexander Demidov)
остаток денежных средств на счётеaccount balance (a figure stating how much money is in your bank account; it can be in debit or in credit Example Sentences Including "account balance" He then stepped up his account balance to more than L10,000 and began speaking to the press. INDEPENDENT (1999) Most companies use the profit and loss account balance , but there are alternatives. One man, who was not named, worked for a housing authority and never had an account balance of more than $130 at the end of every month. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) The facility provides options of viewing account balance , downloading of transaction details and mail facility. INDIA TODAY (2003) The member must also tell the trustee what will happen to any remaining account balance if the member should die. THE AUSTRALIAN (2004). Collins Alexander Demidov)
положительный остаток денежных средств от операционной деятельностиpositive free operating cash flow (Ремедиос_П)
проценты на остатки денежных средств на расчётных счетахinterest on account balances (Alexander Demidov)
проценты по остаткам денежных средствcalculated interest on cash flow (multitran.ru)
справки об остатках денежных средств на счетахnotices of balances of monetary resources in accounts (ABelonogov)
среднемесячный остаток денежных средствaverage monthly balance (The average monthly balance is the average of the closing balances for each day in a given month or statement period. The words in the term often get mixed up, but banks use the term "average monthly balance" to define the result of calculations performed at the end of each month. Banks use the standard calculation for finding an average to determine the average monthly balance. Calculation Banks calculate the average monthly balance by adding together each daily closing account balance throughout the month. The bank divides the sum of the daily account balances by the number of days in the month. For instance, the sum of your daily account balances is $1,345, which is divided by 30 for the number of days in April. The AMB is $48.33. Alexander Demidov)
фактический остаток денежных средствactual balance of funds (kee46)
явиться за получением остатка денежных средств на счётеclaim the account balance (To claim the account balance on the owner's death, the named beneficiary need only visit the financial institution, identify herself, and withdraw the account ... Would she have deposited the proceeds from the property sale in the account if she had known that Amanda could claim the account balance despite the provisions in Mary's will? Alexander Demidov)