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Termes pour sujet Général contenant монопольно высокая цена | Toutes les formes | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
монопольно высокая ценаmonopoly price (A monopoly price is set by a monopoly. A monopoly occurs when a firm is the only firm in an industry producing the product, such that the monopoly faces no competition. A monopoly has absolute market power, and thereby can set a monopoly price that will be above the firm's marginal (economic) cost, which is the change in total (economic) cost due to one additional unit produced. WK Alexander Demidov)
установление монопольно высокой ценыmonopolistic price fixing (China has issued a $29M fine against the in-country joint venture of General Motors (NYSE:GM) over charges of monopolistic price fixing. The purpose of the antitrust laws was to prevent monopolistic price fixing to prevent exploitation of the public. "Monopolistic price fixing," he thought, was obviously wrong, but some form of price control might be necessary to protect small enterprises, halt destructive price ... If Congress failed to act, all welfare legislation could be negated by monopolistic price fixing, he warned. Alexander Demidov)
установление монопольно высокой ценыmonopoly pricing (Monopoly pricing is a pricing strategy followed by a seller whereby the seller prices a product to maximize his or her profits under the assumption that he or she does not need to worry about competition. In other words, monopoly pricing assumes the absence of competitors being able to garner a larger market share by charging lower prices. Monopoly pricing requires not only that the seller have significant market power, possibly a monopoly or near-monopoly or a cartel of oligopolists, but also that the barriers to entry for selling that good are high enough to dissuade potential competition from being attracted by the high pricing. In particular, monopoly pricing is infeasible in contestable markets. subwiki.org Alexander Demidov)
установление монопольно высокой ценыmonopolistic price-fixing (Alexander Demidov)